Chapter 10

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As I stand amidst the chaos of my bedroom, surrounded by a sea of clothes strewn messily across the floor, I can't help but feel a pang of nervous excitement coursing through me. Today is the day of my date with Kian, and I'm torn between excitement and anxiety, uncertainty swirling within me like a hurricane.

"Gwen, I have nothing to wear!" I exclaim, my voice tinged with a hint of desperation as I frantically rummage through my wardrobe. "I knew I should have packed more clothes"

Gwen sits cross-legged on the floor amidst the clothing avalanche, a sympathetic smile gracing her features. "You've got plenty of options, Ellen. Just take a deep breath and trust your instincts" she reassures me, her soothing tone a balm to my frazzled nerves.

But as I filter through the limited selection of dresses, skirts and tops, I can't shake the feeling of uncertainty gnawing at the edges of my mind. What if I choose the wrong outfit? What if Kian doesn't like it? What if he doesn't like me? The questions whirl around my head like a whirlwind. Inside, I struggle with the suddenly growing doubt surrounding the uncertainty of tonight's date's significance.

Gwen reaches out to gently squeeze my hand, her touch grounding me during the chaos. "You've got this, Ellen. Just be yourself, and everything will fall into place," she offers, her words a comforting reminder that I don't have to pretend to be anyone other than who I am.

Taking a deep breath, I let her words sink in, allowing a sense of calm to wash over me. As I continue to sort through the turmoil of my wardrobe, a wave of nostalgia washes over me, mingling with the nervous energy pulsating through my veins. It's been close to five years since I last went on a date, a fact that seems almost surreal.

Those previous encounters, brief and fleeting as they were, never amounted to anything lasting. They were just moments in time, fizzling out as quickly as they began, leaving me feeling let down and disheartened. But somehow, this date with Kian feels different. It feels more important, more serious, as if it holds the potential to be the beginning of something meaningful.

I can't help but wonder what sets him apart from the others, what makes him stand out in a sea of forgettable faces. Is it his captivating smile, his magnetic charm or the way his eyes seem to hold a depth of understanding that draws me in like a magnet? Whatever it is, it's enough to make me feel a sense of anticipation and nervousness unlike anything I've experienced before.

At this point, I've sorted out four different outfits, two of which I've already tried and rejected once before. I look thoughtfully at the clothes. Which one would be enough to make a good impression? As I stand there, staring at the different outfits spread out before me on the bed, I can feel the weight of each choice pressing down on me. Each outfit represents a different version of myself, a different image I could project to Kian tonight. But which one is the right choice? Which one will make the best impression?

Turning to Gwen, who's now perched on the edge of the bed, I can't help but feel a pang of uncertainty. "What do you think, Gwen? Which one should I wear?"

Gwen shrugs casually, her confidence radiating as she meets my gaze. "Honestly, Ellen, I don't think it matters what you wear. Kian seems like the kind of guy who's more interested in who you are than what you look like. Just choose the outfit that makes you feel the most comfortable and confident. That's what will shine through the most."

Her words helps washing away the doubts and insecurities that had been clouding my mind. She's right, of course. With newfound clarity, I scan the outfits once more, searching for the one that speaks to me on a deeper level. And then, as if by instinct, I reach for a simple yet elegant dress that I've always felt good in. It hugs my curves in all the right places and makes me feel like the best version of myself. As I slip into the navy blue dress, I can feel a sense of empowerment washing over me. It's not about impressing Kian with clothes or flashy accessories. It's about being true to myself.

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