Chapter 9

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The warm rays of the morning sun filter through the leaves of the trees, casting dappled patterns of light and shadow across Melissa's garden. It's a picture-perfect scene, one that seems to match Melissa's sunny mood as she bustles about, setting out plates and cups for breakfast.

Gwen, on the other hand, sits slumped in her chair, nursing a cup of coffee with a grimace. Her normally vibrant energy seems to have been replaced by a shadow of its former self, a casualty of last night's events.

I watch them both from my seat at the table, feeling a mix of amusement and sympathy. Melissa's cheerful chatter fills the air, a stark contrast to Gwen's groans of discomfort. It's moments like these that remind me of how different my friends are, yet how much I value each of them in their own way. Melissa who is reserved and cautious, until you manage to break through her walls to have the luxury of seeing her bubbly and positive side. And Gwen who can be liked and befriended by almost anyone and who, in a straightforward way, never hides her mood or opinions. What you see is what you get with her.

"So, guys," Melissa begins, her voice bubbling with excitement. "You'll never guess who I ran into last night at the pub."

Gwen groans and buries her head in her hands, clearly not in the mood for small talk. I stifle a laugh and lean forward, curious to hear Melissa's story.

"Who was it?" I prompt, unable to hide my interest.

Melissa's eyes light up as she launches into her tale. "Well, his name is Ethan, we went to the same school growing up. And he is really cute, and he knew my name, which was... unexpected, to say the least."

"Why not? You knew his" Gwen is as blunt as usual, causing Melissa to blush.

I raise an eyebrow, intrigued by Melissa's flustered demeanour. It's not like her to be caught off guard by the attention from a guy. As long as I've known her, she's always been reserved and waiting for the right one. If she doesn't think the person might be right for her, then she hasn't wanted to spend the time or energy exploring it further.

"He was charming, though," she continues, ignoring Gwen's comment with a wistful smile playing at the corners of her lips. "And he seemed genuinely interested in getting to know me. It was... nice."

I nod in understanding, sensing the underlying uncertainty in Melissa's words. There's a vulnerability to her that she rarely shows to others. To me it's so incomprehensible how she can't see how amazing she is. She is not only beautiful - with her black, thick hair, high cheekbones and brown eyes. She is also incredibly kind, caring and funny. Whoever Ethan is, he should be the one who is happy to have her attention and not the other way around.

"Anyway, what do you say girls? You want to head over to the pool area to cool off?" Melissa suggests.

"Well, I thought I saw a pool when we drove here, is it for everyone?" I ask, amazed at the area Melissa lives in.

"Of course, it's for everyone who lives here, just like with most things here." Melissa reply and I wonder what kind of place this is.

As Melissa's suggestion hangs in the air, Gwen lets out a groan, her hand instinctively reaching for her temples. "I could definitely use a dip in the pool right about now"

Melissa beams at the response, her enthusiasm undimmed by Gwen's less-than-enthusiastic reaction. "Great! Let's go cool off" she declares, already starting to gather her things.

I follow suit, a mixture of curiosity and excitement bubbling within me as we make our way towards the pool area. The path winds through manicured gardens and neatly trimmed lawns, the surroundings reminiscent of a picture-perfect suburban paradise. I can't help but marvel at the pristine beauty of it all, feeling like I've stumbled into a world that exists only in glossy magazines. As we approach the pool area, I can see the sparkling blue water beckoning invitingly, framed by lounge chairs and umbrellas.

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