Chapter 5

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As a sleek black sports car glides to a stop in front of the cabin, Melissa's eyes light up with excitement. "They're here!" she exclaims, nudging me gently as we all rise from our seats on the veranda.

We stand side by side, watching as the car doors swing open, revealing two figures emerging from within. The first is Nikko, Melissa's older brother, whose tall frame and confident stride are unmistakable even from a distance. He turns to us and a pair of kind brown eyes, almost identical to Melissa's, meet mine. Nikko gives us a cocky smile before going behind the car and opening the trunk.

"Lets go and say hello" I suggest and all three of us walk down to the car.

As we approach, Nikkos dark hair is tousled by the wind, and a mischievous glint sparkles in his eyes as he watches us approach. I can't help wondering when he became this well-built and charming. It may have been closer to five years since I last met Nikko. A lot has obviously happened in that time.

"Hey, sis!" Nikko calls out with a grin, wrapping Melissa in a tight hug before turning his attention to me and Gwen.

I reach out a hand to greet him but he ignores it and pulls me into a bear hug instead. "Ellen, nice to see you again! You are... different"

He ruffles my hair mischievously and laughs. Yep, aside from his physique, he hasn't changed much since last time. He still seems as easy-going, cocky and confident as he was five years ago.

"Uhm, well, I guess aging makes a person different..." I say awkwardly.

"Wow, rude much?" Gwen snorts, her arms firmly crossed over her chest.

"So, Gwen, how much have you missed me on a scale of 1-10?" he asks flirtatiously and takes a step towards her.

"I don't think humanity has invented a negative enough number for me to answer that question" she rudely replies as Nikko pulls her into a hug, causing her to blush slightly.

"Ladies, come and say hello to Oliver" urges Nikko as he walks back to the trunk to unload the grocery bags. "Oliver, meet Gwen, Ellen and my sister Melissa"

The guy who has been leaning against the car, and watching our meeting with Nikko with amusement, straightens. He steps forward with a casual grace, his easy smile putting us all at ease. The stranger in front of us practically oozes kindness. With blond tousled hair, prominent dimples and eyes that look like they've never done anything but smile, he gives the impression of being a person you'll immediately like.

"Nice to meet you," Oliver says, extending a hand to each of us in turn. "I've heard a lot about you all."

As we gather around the car to unload the groceries, I find myself standing next to Nikko and Oliver. Nikko effortlessly hefts bags of charcoal and grilling supplies, his easy smile never leaving his face as he jokes with Melissa and Gwen. Oliver, on the other hand, seems more reserved, quietly observing the group with a curious expression.

"Need a hand with those?" I offer, gesturing to the bags in Nikko's arms.

Nikko grins appreciatively and hands me a couple of bags to carry inside. "Thanks, Ellen. I'm glad you guys could make it. It's been ages since I've seen Melissa this excited."

As we make our way into the cabin, I steal a glance at Gwen and notice the way her eyes seem to light up whenever Nikko speaks. There's a subtle warmth in her smile that suggests more than just friendly interest, and I can't help but wonder if there's something more between them.

In the kitchen, Melissa and I start unpacking the groceries while Gwen and Nikko work on prepping the grill outside. Oliver joins us, offering to lend a hand as he familiarizes himself with the layout of the cabin.

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