Chapter 6

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The morning sun filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the cozy cabin. As I slowly blink away the remnants of sleep, the familiar sounds of birds chirping and leaves rustling in the breeze greet me. Gwen and Melissa stir beside me, their sleepy smiles mirroring my own. After the boys left last night, we decided that all three of us would sleep in Gwen's bedroom. Cuddled in the same bed, it was a sweaty, somewhat sleepless but fun night.

"Good morning" Melissa says with a yawn, stretching her arms above her head.

"Careful" mutters Gwen who almost got one of her fists in the head.

I return her greeting with a grin as I note the difference between my friends. Melissa is her usual bubbly and cheerful self, while Gwen, who has never been a morning person, is grumpier than usual as she is most likely feeling the effects of yesterday's wine drinking. Melissa happily darts out of bed muttering something about catching the day and going downstairs to prepare breakfast.

"Give me ten more minutes and I think I may be able to get out of bed" Gwen mutters as I get out of bed.

After a cheerful breakfast of pancakes and fresh fruit, we decide to make the most of the beautiful weather and head down to the nearby lake for a day of swimming and sunbathing. The promise of cool water and golden rays is enough to quicken our steps as we eagerly make our way through the lush forest path. After a while we come to an opening by the lake. Where the ground changes from moss green to stone grey, a part of the foothills that pushes through the vegetation and is the perfect spot for us to sunbathe at.

We spread our towels on the warm stone and kick off our shoes, eager to dip our toes into the crystal-clear water. The cool embrace of the lake beckons. With laughter and chatter filling the air, we wade into the inviting waters, enjoying the sensation of weightlessness as we float beneath the brilliant blue sky. It's moments like these, surrounded by nature's beauty and the company of cherished friends, that remind me of the simple pleasures in life and fill my heart with gratitude.

After some time spent splashing and playing, we make our way back to land. The warmth of the sun quickly dries our bodies as we relax in the sunshine. Gwen quickly lies down on her towel and puts on her sunglasses while me and Melissa takes our time. Standing, I rummage around in my bag to find the book I brought with me. But I doubt I'll be able to read a few pages, especially considering Melissa is in such a good mood and chatty.

"I look forward to showing you my childhood home" she smiles as she sits down on her towel. "Not that it's anything special, really. It's just an ordinary house, nothing fancy or exceptional with it"

I smile at her and pick up the book from the bag along with my water bottle. Melissa continues to talk about her home, she mentions that it is near the forest and she tells us that she usually goes for a jog there every morning. While she's talking, I hum and nod along to show I'm listening. She doesn't give the rest of us much room to say anything. But I don't mind, she's in a good mood and happy that we're going to visit her today. I'm looking forward to it too.

As I settle onto my towel, I notice Gwen's gaze flicker to my bare neck, her brow furrowing slightly in concern. "Hey, where's your necklace?"

My hand instinctively moves to the empty space where the pendant should hang. With furrowed brows, I try to remember the last time I wore the necklace. I didn't wear it last night; I don't like sleeping with jewellery and I don't remember taking it off before bed. I feel a pang of realization that I've left it behind in the rush to get ready for our trip to the summer cottage.

"Oh no, I must have left it back home at the apartment" I admit sheepishly, a hint of distress tingeing my words.

Gwen's brow furrows in concern, but she quickly masks her worry with a reassuring smile. "It's okay, don't stress about it. We'll find something else. Maybe there's an herb or crystal around here that could do the trick"

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