Chapter 12

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As I gradually regain consciousness, the cold, hard surface beneath me sends a shiver through my body. Blinking against the dim light filtering through a solitary window, I struggle to piece together my surroundings. My head throbs with a dull ache, a painful reminder of the events leading up to this disorienting moment.

I feel awful. My body aches everywhere and I feel stiff in my whole body, much like the time when me and Gwen were teenagers and camping out in the woods. As if I slept on something uncomfortable during the night. My gaze moves from left to right. There really isn't much to see.

Pushing myself up from the floor, I glance around the dimly lit room, my heart hammering in my chest. The space is sparse, filled only with dust-covered shelves and a few boxes, casting eerie shadows against the concrete walls. Desperately I try to stifle the panic growing inside me.

Yesterday's events come flooding back in fragments, the memory of my date with Kian fading in and out like a distant dream. But the stark reality of my current situation snaps me back to attention. I'm still wearing the same clothes from last night, my bag discarded on the floor nearby. It's a small mercy, I suppose. My captors have left me unbound, as if confident that I pose no threat to them.

With trembling hands, I reach for my bag, searching desperately for any clues or means of escape. I quickly notice that my wallet and phone is missing, along with any semblance of hope, I think to myself. The small container, a former mouth spray that Gwen filled with some kind of pepper spray, is still there though. I tuck the small container into my bra. Frustration and fear bubble up within me, mingling with confusion as I struggle to comprehend how I ended up here.

Despite the darkness closing in around me, I refuse to succumb to despair. Gathering whatever shreds of courage remain, I push myself to my feet, determined to find a way out of this nightmare. As I press my ear against the door, straining to catch any sound beyond, I'm met with utter silence. Slowly, I attempt to turn the handle, but the door remains stubbornly locked. Frustration bubbles within me, but strangely, it's not panic that consumes me. Instead, a powerful resolve takes hold, fuelled by an exhaustion of the constant difficulty life seems to throw my way.

Turning my attention to the small, barred window, I realize its futility. Even if I could somehow pry it open, the metal grate blocks any hope of escape. It's a stark reminder of the intention behind my captivity – whoever brought me here has no intention of letting me go.

With an unusual calm settling over me, I begin to search the room. Despite the frantic thoughts swirling in my mind, there's an underlying steadiness that keeps me grounded. I inspect the cardboard boxes stacked on the shelves, finding them empty and coated in a layer of dust. Gradually, it becomes apparent that the room offers no means of escape beyond the locked door and fortified window.

Returning to my purse, I sift through its contents methodically. Each item takes on a new significance, potential tools for defence should the need arise. I rummage through my purse, my fingers encountering a pair of metal ink pens which I promptly slip into the elastic band of my bra. With a sense of relief, I locate a hair tie and quickly gather my tousled braid into a knot while inwardly swearing that I was stupid enough to choose a dress instead of pants for the date. Thankfully, at least I chose sneakers and not high heels.

My eyes light up as I discover an old energy bar tucked away, and I waste no time devouring it. Though it may not offer much sustenance in my current dilemma, the faint gnaw of hunger in my stomach is temporarily eased. In my purse is also a small bag with the green leaves I got from Gwen, but my gut tells me not to eat them right now. So I leave them be and pick up a smaller hairbrush instead, its sturdy handle providing a potential means of defence. With my keys safely tucked into my bra as well and the hairbrush held firmly in hand, I sling my handbag over my shoulder and settle into a tense wait.

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