Ever After High X-Over pt 1

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I'll be doing a little side story to pass some time as an in-between until I get back to the Wano arc.


We see the scene shift to a place known as Ever After High, the high school of the next generation of Fairy Tales, here each student is charged with the duty of following in the footsteps of their Fairytale Parents, ensuring their stories will continue to be told.

But things changed as Raven Queen, daughter of the Evil Queen, refuses to follow in her mother's villainous path.

From there, the school becomes divided into:

The Royals, who were promised their Happily Ever Afters, led by Apple White, daughter of Snow White.


The Rebels, led by Raven, who feel they should create their own happy endings.

But right now, as class starts, something new will be taking place.....


"All right students. Today we will be learning about a very unique Fairy Tale: The Sun Warrior and the Moon Princess." Jack B. Nimble said.

"Sun Warrior and Moon Princess?" Cedar Wood asked.

"I'm not surprised that none of you have heard of this story. It is actually one of those stories said to be as old as time itself, and it was told ages before the Grimm's time." Nimble said surprising the students.

and the story started..............


Many centuries ago, there was a great and prosperous kingdom, peaceful and just.

In this kingdom, there was a powerful warrior who fought many battles and defeated many enemies who threatened the peace-loving people. 

This warrior was called Nika, as his name means toothy grin, he was always seen smiling. 

He was said to be born with a body that had the properties of rubber. He even smiled and giggled as he fought his enemies, making people smile, assuring them everything would be okay. Some even said that his smile could outshine the sun, and when he was born, the sun shone very brightly, so people called him the Sun Warrior.

In time, he was fated to meet a very special maiden.

He was taking another of his hunts in the forest when he met.....


Kazuya was a princess of the kingdom, said to have been blessed by the moon. When she was born, the full moon shone brightly and beautifully. Her hair itself was the color of the moon, so people would call her Moon Princess. As she grew up, she was found to have the power of gemstones, and tap into their powers. 

She met Nika at sunset as she was wandering the forest valley.

For a moment in time, there was no one else but them. 

As news spread that the two were in love, the kingdom, to their surprise, supported their relationship, even the Royal Family. 

However, there was a prince of a neighboring country who also was in love with Kazuya. He sent many extravagant gifts to her, but she refused, saying she already has Nika.

Furious, the jealous prince consulted a voodoo witch, who gave him a talisman that contained forbidden black magic. To use it, the prince sold his soul to access its power.

Fueled with forbidden power, he challenged Nika to a duel. It seemed that Nika would win, but then the prince's power went out of his control, and aimed for Kazuya.

But then Nika shielded her with his body, taking a fatal hit.

As Nika was about to die in her arms, Kazuya's tears actually healed him, saving him from death.

Outraged of what almost happened to his daughter and his best warrior, the king ordered for the jealous prince to leave and never return. 

But the prince, too infuriated by the strength of Nika's and Kazuya's love, the power of the dark voodoo magic and jealousy consumed his body, turning him into a vicious monster. And he unleashed his rage on the kingdom!

Many lives would have been lost if Nika and Kazuya did not step in.

Through their powers and love, they defeated the Wicked Voodoo Prince, and he was sealed away at the bottom of a large lake, which became surrounded by an impenetrable fog.

With the Wicked Prince defeated, Nika and Kazuya were free to be married, and they would reign the Lost Kingdom for many, many years.


After Nimble was finished, the class was stunned.

To think there was a man and woman who embodied the sun and the moon, and that there was an evil prince that tried to destroy their love.....

"Mr. Nimble, is there anyone in line to be the next Nika and Kazuya yet?" C.A. Cupid asked.

"Actually, not really. You see, after Nika and Kazuya ended their story, the Lost Kingdom was said to have vanished, as well as they. No one knows what happened to them after, or if they have children or descendants. It has been hard to find people to represent their story, as they have to have their inherent abilities." Nimble said.

That got students curious.

What kind of people would be qualified to be the next Nika and Kazuya?

They would gain an answer in the next few days................

in the form of two pirates..............


First part of the mini side story!

How would these students react to Luffy and Yukiko?

And how would the students react to this story?

Oh, and I'm also having Ace and Alina tag along, so how would students react to them?

Let me know for some ideas!

Apple White:

Raven Queen:

C.A. Cupid:

Cerise Hood:

Cedar Wood:

Hunter Huntsman:

Sparrow Hood:

Ashlynn Ella:

Briar Beauty:

Daring Charming:

Dexter Charming:

Dutchess Swan:

Madeline Hatter:

plz comment!

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