One Piece Epilogue pt 1

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Since The conflict on Egghead does not happen as the Elders and Imu are gone, we'll kinda jump on.
Yukiko looked out over the waters as the sun was setting.

She closed her eyes as she thought over the events that got her and the crew here.

Honestly, she thought they got off easy as Whitebeard announced his retirement and Ace was selected to be a new Emperor in his place.

Then in time, they encountered Shanks.

Although it was a great reunion, Luffy and Shanks to see who would come out on top.

It was a close match, but Luffy eventually stood victorious.

And to make it interesting, Buggy had been near the area, along with Mihawk and Crocodile.

Buggy attempted to target the Strawhats himself, but Yukiko saved everyone the trouble by beating the Clown herself in her Kazuya form.

Right now, Yukiko was staring over the sea from the island they were now on.

Laugh Tale.

Yes, the crew finally got to the One Piece before anyone else, and Luffy became the new King of the Pirates!

Then Yukiko's thoughts were cut off from something wrapping around her waist.

"Shishishi! We really did it! We made it!" Luffy laughed.

"Yeah, to be honest, it still feels like a dream." Yukiko smiled.

"......Yukiko......remember when we said we'd marry after we get here?" Luffy asked, a chin on his fiancée's shoulder.

"Yes I still want to keep that promise?"

"Heck yeah!"

"Well, I'd like to at least have it where the Marines won't bother about back in Alola? We can have the wormhole as transport for guests......who should we invite?"


"Yeah, we need guests, someone to officiate our union, and I know Sanji can handle the catering...." Yukiko said.

A month later.......

An invitation was sent out to various people...

Rika and her mother

Koby and Helmeppo

Boodle and Shushu

Kaya and Merry
Tamago, Pepper and Onion

Johnny and Yosaku

Zeff and Chefs

Nojiko and Genzo


Dorry and Brogy

Dalton and Kureha


Bon Clay

Gan Fall and Pierre
Conis, Su, Pagyaya
Aisa and Wyper
People of Skypiea

Kokoro, Chimney, Gonbe
Iceburg and Galley-La
Franky Family

Oimo and Kashii
Camie, Pappagg and Hatchan

Rayleigh and Shakky
Haredas and his Friends

Lola and her crew



Dragon and Seraphina

Law and Heart Pirates

Kidd Pirates


Momo and the Samurai

Uta (I'm leaving her alive)

Strawhat Grand Fleet



Mink Tribe

Ryugu Royal Family


Rosy Life Riders

Tontatta Kingdom

Boa Hancock and the Kuja Tribe

Chinjao Family

Riku Family

Fire Tank Pirates, Bege and his Family

Former Sun Pirates

Toriko and his Allies

Garp and Rosetta

Smoker and Tashigi

Makino, Makino's baby Woop Slap, People of Fushia Village

Sharks and his crew

Katakuri and Brulee
I'll reactions from these many people since I know readers are expecting the big wedding!

Yukiko already sent invites to her friends in the Pokémon World.

I also plan to have Rayleigh officiate the ceremony!

Oh I forgot, I made Bonney part of the crew in this fic!

Anyone else I'm missing? Let me know!

Plz comment

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