One Piece Epilogue pt 3

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The invited guests were astounded and excited.

Fushia Village

"So Luffy and Yukiko are finally getting married now? It's a great opportunity to see Luffy again! Right Ito?" Makino asked her baby who giggled.

Woop Slap sighed, knowing the situation, Makino would force him anyway.

Curly Dadan tried not to show it but she had tears in her eyes from her and the bandits being invited to a wedding as the bandits and other residents of the village looked excited.

Shells Town

Rika showed the invite to her mom, who looked happy at the news.
Helmeppo was shocked of the ceremony actually going to happen while Koby was happy and even telling Garp.

Speaking of which, Garp looked pleased that Luffy was at least settling down, and Rosetta was happy her grandson was finally marrying his sweetheart.

Smoker and Tashigi were both surprised and confused as to why they decided to marry in another world. Though Smoker figured that they did so to keep the Government from crashing the wedding.

"Smoker? I was told that Garp and Rosetta are going too. Are we going?"

"..........*sighs* Knowing Rosetta, she'll drag us anyway..."

"Brother Luffy is getting married?! I can't believe it!" Johnny said.

"Well we haven't seen him or Brother Zoro in a while! It'll be great to catch up!" Yosaku adds.


"Kaya! Did you get an invite too?" Tamago asked.

"Yup, I think it's a great chance to meet Yukiko and see Usopp too!" Kaya said as she was now a fully fledged doctor.

"Could you help us get ready for the event? We need to let our parents know too!" Carrot adds and Onion agrees.


Zeff watched as his chefs get all stoked about going to a wedding, it would be a good vacation for them.


Nojiko looked happy for Nami's friends while Genzo was relieved it wasn't Nami........yet.


Vivi, her father, and her other friends looked excited at this development.


"Gegegegegeha! What do you know? We're invited to a wedding Brogy!"

"Its been a while since we saw the Strawhats! It'll be like seeing the Sun and Moon finally united!"


Dalton was surprised at the invite, and although Kureha was a busy woman, she'd drop anything for Chopper as she would like to see how much he grew, especially since Yukiko helped him get a real bounty.


Ace was practically sobbing, saying how his baby brother is practically grown up, taking the big plunge. Although the pirates cheered, Whitebeard chuckled as they have to find a good wedding present.


Sabo was a bit frantic as this meant he'll be meeting Yukiko's family too and needs to make a good impression on them. Koala looked excited as Seraphina looked at Dragon.

"Honey. We missed out on a lot of our son's life, because of our dangerous jobs. I'd be d*mned if I miss his wedding day!" She told her husband as he agreed with her.

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