Eric the Mercenary

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The next morning......
Yukiko found the boys all asleep with Grandpa Bokuden from his long stories.

"Hey, boys wake up." Yukiko shook Sanji and Usopp.

"Eh, what?" Usopp asked as he yawned.

"What is it Yuki-chan?" Sanji asked as Zoro woke up.

"Come on, I'll explain when we get there."

They all followed Yukiko up the mountain where the others were and in to the cave where their reactions were the same as the trio when they spotted the huge green feathered beast, they stood frozen their jaws in the floor.

Apis popped up from Ryu's back and greeted the other a smile on her face. "Morning."

Nami taking pity on the stunned men explained. "This is the Millennial Dragon grandpa Bokuden was talking about."

"See?! Isn't he cool?!" Luffy said.

"Luffy don't talk like he's yours." Yukiko muttered sweatdropping.

"When you get closer to the Grand Line you run into things like this, huh?" Usopp said cautiously.

"Since there're sea kings as well, I guess this is possible..." Sanji trailed off.

"No way," Zoro grinned menacingly. "I'm getting excited."

"No way is this level enough to make me give up my dream to see all of the beautiful women in the world." Sanji swooned a not so innocent fire lit in his eyes.

"Wait a minuet I thought your dream was to see All Blue." Usopp frowned.

Sanji chuckled softly and brushed his bangs out of his eyes. "A man can have more than one dream Usopp." He said coolly taking a drag of his cigarette. Usopp sweatdropped.

"I-Is he harmless?!" Usopp asked a stuttering mess and shaking like a leaf. He brought everyone's attention back to the dragon. Ryu leaned forward and bumped his mouth against Usopp said nose before locking his entire face, Usopp stood frozen in terror as the dragon tasted him.

"Ah!" Apis exclaimed, " He can be a little senile sometimes, so if he acts like your're food, get away!"


"It's too late!" Usopp screamed crying with his head between the dragons jaws.

Luffy laughed not trying to help his at all. "But it doesn't Hurt right, I guess you can call it soft mouth?"

Usopp floundered. "Wh-wh-what're you saying?! He's not a puppy."

"Let him eat you like that." Teased Zoro.

"ZOROO!" Usopp whined.

"Don't! He'll have food poisoning." Sanji joined in.

"What'd you say, you dame love cook?!" Usopp growled.

Yukiko laughed and Pachi said something to Ryu who released Usopp who fell to the floor and scurried backwards and hide behind the rock.

"Thank you." Yukiko said stroking his head.

"So the Navy is going after is this dragon right?" Sanji said crossing his arms over his chest.

The girls nodded. "Most likely." Replied Apis.

"Frankly the reason we brought you here is that we'd like to bring this dragon back to Lost Island." Nami asked.

"He needs to get there to get better. But he doesn't have the strength to move." Yukiko added.

"Wh-what are you saying?! The Navy's after us!" Usopp spluttered still hiding behind the rock, "Where gonna have enough trouble just getting away, how the heck could we take such a big creature..."

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