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Filler chapter!

Yukiko was overjoyed when she brought out two of her Eeveelutions and an extra surprise.

Pachi was congratulating the fire and water Eeveelutions too.

"Hestia, Tsunami, I'm so happy for you two!" Yukiko smiled.

Lunch was a bit odd concerning the elephant in the room.

Yukiko was carrying a large egg in a container and kept a close watch on it as Tsunami and Hestia was watching the egg as well as Pachi.

The egg was large and had a pattern of brown and cream white.

"Ooh! Are we having that for lunch too?" Luffy drooled only for Pachi to hit him with an Iron Tail and Tsunami growled.

"Pachi, pachu!"

Chopper translates. "She said, 'You're not eating the baby!'"

"Baby?" Usopp asked.

"Yes, this is a Pokémon egg. It's Tsunami's and Hestia's." Yukiko smiled.

Then everyone looked at Tsunami and Hestia in surprise.

"Wait a minute! Your Pokémon had an egg?! How does that work?!" Chopper exclaims.

"All Pokémon have eggs."

"That's an affront to biology." Usopp waved his hand.

"Maybe not from this world, but it's common in mine." Yukiko said.

"So, these two are the parents?" Franky asked looking at Hestia and Tsunami to try to calm the situation down.

"Yeah, Pokémon Eggs are produced by breeding two Pokémon of a compatible Egg Group and opposite gender together and will contain, by default, the lowest species in the evolutionary line of the mother. In Tsunami and Hestia's case they are both from the field egg group, and this is the result." Yukiko said.

"So, how long will it take to hatch? And what will it be?" Luffy asked taking it in stride.

"We'll have an Eevee since Tsunami and Hestia both are evolved forms of Eevee, and it shouldn't take long." Yukiko smiled.
During the next three days, Yukiko had been keeping a close eye on the egg and Luffy was always close by watching.

Right now, Yukiko was cleaning the egg with a soft rag.

Luffy watched the scene and he saw how gentle Yukiko was with the egg.

Even others were impressed.

"It seems you're a professional at taking care of eggs." Robin said.

"Thanks, I've taken care of baby Pokémon before. And I have others to be honest. And they are looking forward to a new playmate." Yukiko said.

"Well, we can tell you'll be a great mom." Nami commented.

At that, Luffy recalled that part of his 'talk' with Ace. Then he wondered what kind of kids would he have with Yukiko.

A sight of a slightly older Yukiko in a dress and apron was currently feeding a toddler. It looked to be boy/girl with his facial features but his/her hair was black with white highlights and he/she had his/her mother's eyes. And he/she looked to be eating a large piece of meat.

"Look Luffy, he/she eats almost as much as you!" Yukiko smiled as Pachi licked his face making their child giggle.

Luffy was lost in his daydream as the others noticed he was staring into space.

"Luffy? Something wrong?" Yukiko said getting his attention.

"Ah? Oh no, not really."

Then the egg began to glow.

And it began glowing rapidly.

"Oh my! Already?! Tsunami, Hestia!" Yukiko called out to her two Pokemon.

The parents arrived quickly as Yukiko took out the egg and moved away.

"Listen we gotta get away from the egg now!" Yukiko said pushing the others off the deck to somewhere.

"Eh?! Why?" Luffy and Chopper shouted.

"So we do not confuse the baby." Yukiko said.

"I get it. It has to see Tsunami and Hestia first so it knows who it's parents are." Robin said.

The crew then followed orders and after a few glows, a new Eevee was born!


"Alright, Sanji, go get that milk formula we've been making for them!" Yukiko said and Sanji complied.

Tsunami and Hestia then shower the little baby with affectionate licks and Hestia called to Yukiko.

After meeting the new Eevee as it's trainer, Yukiko allowed Chopper to look over the baby.

"Congratulations, it's a healthy boy." Chopper told the Eeveelutions.

"How do you know that Chopper?" Zoro asked.

"Yukiko showed me the body pattern on an Eevee's tail. If it's spiky, it's a male. If he was female, the pattern would look like a flower." Chopper explained as Sanji gave Yukiko the milk she asked for and the newborn drank it all down.

"Super cute!"

"He's adorable."

"I think I'll call you Varian. Do you like that name?" Yukiko asked as the newly named Varian squealed in glee.

Luffy reached out and pat the new Eevee with a smile. "Welcome to the Great Pirate Era, Varian!"
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