Katakuri pt 1

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Yukiko sometimes could not believe her luck, as the Chess Maids were making her pretty for her pre-wedding date with Katakuri.

Thankfully, she still had her Pokémon as she was Adamant about keeping them with her.

She was now in a new dress, feeling like a pastry with legs.

"I can see why Mama allowed Katakuri to be your husband. You are really lucky to be chosen!"

"I agree! Any woman in Whole Cake would love to be in your shoes!" The maids chattered.

"Well, I've never heard of Katakuri before this, but who is he?" Yukiko asked.

"Well, aside from being the second born son, he is the most dependable! Katakuri-Sama is the strongest of the Three Sweet Generals, all his siblings rever him, He frequently uses his advanced Kenbunshoku Haki to quickly address any problems or threats that he foresees, and whenever possible he will work to change the future he foresees and stop the problem before it happens. But he is neither boastful nor meek against his opponents. As he is strong, you won't have to worry about fighting anymore!"

Yukiko cringed at the thought of being an accessory or a China doll for this man.


"Besides, he can do a lot better for you than Strawhat. You don't have to live on the run anymore...." one maid said.

"Why? Would Katakuri be better? Did he save my life? Did he give me a home? Did he defend me from villains? Did he go into battle with me? Does he even know my likes and dislikes? Does he know what I did for a living before being a pirate?............The answer is no." Yukiko said coldly making the maids flinch.

Outside, Katakuri was leaning Against the wall.

Strangely from that conversation, he knew she was right.

He only knew things about her from the papers. And these days, people tend to argue that what the rag prints is not real news.

He heard of newsmen calling her a precious Jewel, coveted by all, horded by Strawhat.

But it turns out she was more than a pretty face, especially after the Marineford Incident.

She was smart, witty, protective, and it was shown vividly that she really was in love with Strawhat.

And it made him wonder......

What makes them so fond of each other?
Once she was finished with her dressing, Katakuri did not show it, but he was nervous.

Yukiko was young, beautiful, smart, brilliant, kind, patient, charismatic and strong and approachable.

He'd never been approached by women or men with anything but slavishly devoted servants, screaming fans, or both. He never experienced at mutual level of love, aside for his platonic care for Brulee.

But still.....

While Vinsmoke is expendable, Yukiko is valuable as people believe she was chosen by the gods to get them back to this realm, people viewed her as a peacemaker, which is a major goal for Mama's utopia, and she has her devil fruit to provide more wealth to the family, so she would be worth more to Mama alive.

He would have to put some thoughts on hold as Yukiko came out.

Sorry, but I will be busy until Dec 12th  as my finals are around the corner.

Plz comment!

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