One Piece x BNHA pt 13: Ace and Alina

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After meeting the crew, the staff were tense.

Learning of the world where these people came from, it was clear that there was a terrible fixation of black and white justice. And from what they knew from Jinbei, some were afraid to ask their next group of people about it.

But nevertheless, they had to continue. 

This time, two people came in. 

One was a male with messy black hair and freckles, while the other was a purplette female with a giant badger creature.

"Portgas D. Ace and Alina, I presume?" Nezu asked as he noticed wedding rings on their fingers Ace took note of that and smiled.

"That's us. We married six months ago."

"I know this will be sensitive info.............but I promise we won't let anyone outside our circle do you mind telling me why your name is different from your fathers?" Nezu asked gently.

".........................Down to business huh?...................My mom's maiden name was Portgas, and I began using it after I learned she died protecting me." Ace said.


"When she was pregnant with me, my father let himself get turned in by the marines. He had an incurable disease, and he had mom escape. When rumors abounded that the Pirate king had a pregnant lover, the government sent marines to search for her. When they couldn't find her............they ordered all women with children under the age of two to be killed in the South Blue. They covered it up by saying a terrorist was on the loose." Ace frowned. Alina held his hand in concern.

"How did she get away?" Recovery girl asked.

"Through sheer willpower, my mom prolonged her pregnancy to fool the government. For a year and eight months to protect me. As she died giving birth to me, she entrusted Garp to keep me safe. Garp was the same man who got Roger imprisoned, but he was also a man of morality. He was one of the few marines who knew the truth of the infanticide, but because of his position back then, he could not say otherwise. Roger also asked him to save me, and I ended up calling him 'gramps.'....................................For a time I hated myself for being Roger's son. No one knew I was related to him, so gramps had me use my mom's name to keep me safe. People would say that a child of Roger would be a devil...................................................until I met Sabo and Luffy. Sabo was the one I met first. He was the son of a nobleman, but he hated that life, even said he was ashamed by being born a noble because of how they treated commoners. We became friends and robbed other pirates as kids. Then Luffy came along after gramps dropped him off. Luffy was also Garp's biological grandson. Since he would follow me around and cry about not being around me it annoyed me. I tried to get him off my tail but he was persistent. One day, I stole from the wrong group of pirates to mess with. I thought Luffy would give away the location of our treasure, but he didn't...................he would've been beaten to death if Sabo and I didn't get there in time." Ace suddenly looked sad from the memory.

The staff were stunned by this.

"Then how did you two become close?" Ectoplasm asked.

"When I asked Luffy why he didn't reveal of our treasure, he said he had no one else. He couldn't go back to his hometown and Garp is always busy with work. His parents were also out of the picture. He didn't even care if I was Roger's son, he admired my dad. He also didn't like marines, even more when they shot down Sabo's ship for a Celestial Dragon and they had Grey Terminal burned to make the kingdom cleaned for their arrival. We thought Sabo was killed, but he was saved by Luffy's dad. The leader of the Revolutionary Army, Dragon. Sabo had amnesia, and his memory didn't come back until three-four years ago................................Any way, after I set out to sea, I started my own crew, the Spade Pirates, and I eventually ate the Flare Flare Fruit, which made me a human torch." Ace said lighting a finger on fire.

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