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Ashton stayed at Bennett's side as Deaton fussed over Scott's wound. He barely registered the conversation as he scanned Bennett's face, still holding his hand.

Bennett and him were close. He was the only hunter in Chris's group that Ashton could tolerate. While it was common for Ashton to help train them, it wasn't common for him to continue talking to them after their training was done.

But Bennett was different. He made Ashton laugh, and he didn't hate all supernatural creatures, just the guilty ones. And, unknowing to his parents, Bennett was the only hunter who knew what Ashton was. Ashton never told him, but he didn't have too. Bennett never said a word, but Ashton knew that he had picked up on it.
Even still, Bennett never treated Ashton differently.

Bennett was young too. Not even twenty-five. He was still learning, still gaining experiences. Ashton wanted, no, needed to know what killed him. He had a rough idea it had to do with the creature they saw in Lahey's house. But he wouldn't voice his assumption.

Scott was morally good, he couldn't handle killing something. Even if it deserved it. Ashton could. Ashton would. With the marks on Bennett, the obvious painful death he suffered, Ashton was in no way going to let the creature who did this get away with it. He'd return the death. An eye for an eye, as they say.

"Ash." Scott whispered, putting a hand on Ashtons shoulder. "C'mon, we gotta hide."

Ashton nodded, letting go of Bennett's hand and following the beta to the back. The two hiding as Argents walked through the clinic.

"You okay?" Scott whispered, squeezing Ashtons arm.

Ashton nodded, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall. "Hunters die everyday. I'll be fine."

"You don't have to-"

Ashton put a hand over Scott's mouth as Deaton walked past them, giving the two a brief look before he disappeared to his office. Leaving the older hunters to deal with the body as they saw fit.

Ashton leaned over the side, his chest pressing into Scott's arm as he peered through the glass door.

Chris was there, Gerard too, and Elaine.

"He sure was handsome." Elaine commented, running a hand down Bennett's head. "Such a shame."

Chris swallowed, pulling out his phone and moving to text someone.

"Who you texting?" Elaine asked, helping Gerard grab and open a bodybag.

"Ashton." Chris replied, sliding his phone back into his pocket. "They were friends."

"From what I've heard, Ashton has been a hunter for a long time." Gerard rasped, crossing Bennett's arms over his chest. "He knows the risk."

"Speaking of my favorite grandson," Elaine commented, taking a step back as Chris moved Bennett's body around, letting Gerard slide the bodybag under him. "I've noticed that he hasn't been participating in hunts. Why's that?"

"Victoria and I agreed that he should take a break." Chris responded, zipping up the bodybag.

"That will have to change." Elaine responded, glancing towards Gerard.

Hopeless Love (☆Scott McCall x OC☆)Where stories live. Discover now