Pack Mentality

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Ashton groaned as he laid down in very warm, comfortable, and inviting bed, hearing Allison continuously talk her mother's ear off in her bedroom next door about the game and Scott.

His mind drifted as he fought to get comfortable, back to the conversation between him and a certain grumpy wolf.

"I never said it was Scott." Derek replied, keeping his fists so tight blood began to drop between his fingers.

Ashton scoffed, crossing his arms. "I'm not stupid, Derek. I've played this game for a very long time. I pieced it together."

Ashton took Derek's silence as a way to elaborate. "The heightened agility, one day being a less than athletic team to waking up and making first-line, the way he would watch and whisper when deputies were in the school, his connection to you, why he left the party on the full moon. Not to mention his glove, by the way. It all added up. And you, bringing up my sister of all people, who just so happens to be said beta's girlfriend, was just the final piece of the puzzle."

Derek growled, his eyes flashing a bright blue. "I won't let you tell your family."

"Calm down, big guy." Ashton replied, holding out his hand. "I may not be ecstatic that my sister fell for someone who's part dog, but I've seen them together. How happy he makes her, how much she talks about him. I won't tell them for her sake, so long as you do something for me in return."

Derek sighed, shaking his head. "Not even surprised. It's always something. What do you want?"

"Allison stays out of it." Ashton replied, it was his one stipulation on staying quiet. That and the fact the hunters wouldn't believe him. Maybe his father, but ultimately his 'assumption' would be overlooked.

"So she doesn't know."

"No, she doesn't." Ashton replies. "And I'd prefer it to stay that way. Allison doesn't need to be involved with this life right now. But in order for her not to know, you have to act clueless too."

Derek raised an eyebrow, his fist slowly relaxing. "I do?"

Ashton nodded. "I can already guess you told Scott about us, and if you haven't you're going too, soon. Which is fine, he deserves to know now that your world is his too. And until thirty seconds ago, you didn't know if Allison knew or not. Keep that act up. Hate on us, hate on her, make us sound like demons for all I care. But don't let him know that she doesn't know."

Derek nodded. "So act as I would if you never told me she didn't, basically?"

Ashton nodded, turning to look back at the school, still seeing no sight of his father or sister.

Derek let out a breath. "I suppose I can do that. But you have to help me too."

"Wait what?" Ashton replied, turning back to look at him. "I already am, by not telling my family about Scott."

"Yeah, and after the hell your family put mine through, I feel like you can bend to sacrifice a little more." Derek snapped back quickly, his anger rising just as quick as it subsided.

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