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"Erica. You actually turned Erica?" Ashton questioned, standing outside of the school, Derek sitting in his car, waiting for Erica to get there.

"You're the one who suggested it." Derek shrugged.

"Yeah, but, I didn't think you'd actually do it." Ashton sighed. "How'd you get her to agree anyways?"

"It wasn't hard." Derek chuckled. "Tell her the seizures will go away, plus a little charm and she was ready to go."

"Derek." Ashton groaned. "You did not flirt with her just to get another beta."

Derek chuckled. "I flirt with a lot of people."

"Yeah, I'm aware." Ashton laughed, turning his head as a blonde stood beside him.

Ashton raised an eyebrow as he looked her up and down, taking not of her outfit, that Derek definitely bought her. "If I was into women, I'd totally date you."

Erica chuckled, wrapping an arm around Ashtons waist. "I'm flattered."

Derek sighed. "Alright, you know the drill. Go in, make a scene, then get out."

Ashton rolled his eyes. "And why, exactly, do I have to be involved?"

"Because as close as you are to them, the others need to know you're a part of this pack, just as much as Erica and Isaac are." Derek looked down, grabbing a coffee and passing it to Ashton. "And because I got you some coffee."

"Let's go, Erica." Ashton hummed, already sipping from his coffee as they walked into the school. "So, nervous?"

"A little." Erica confessed.

Ashton chuckled. "I'll be with you, you'll do fine."

"But, what do I do?" Erica asked, stopping just a few feet away from the cafeteria entrance.

"Simple," Ashton responded. "Go in there, look hot, flirt with someone, then leave."

Erica nodded, repeating the steps to herself. "Got it, I can do this."

Ashton chuckled, walking behind her as she walked into the cafeteria. He noticed the eyes on her immediately. Especially from Scott and Stiles.

Erica walked back over to him, apple in hand. "Want a bite?" She offered, tossing his the apple. She was playing with Scott and Stiles, knowing Ashton was their friend.

Ashton chuckled, clueing into what she was doing. "Already know the answer." He replied, biting into the apple before passing it back to her, winking to Scott as she wrapped an arm around his waist, the two walking out just as quickly as they came.

"You were right, that was easy." Erica stated, tossing the apple into a trashcan before leaving.

Ashton nodded, opening the passenger door and getting in. He paused as he looked back at the entrance, seeing Scott and Stiles eyeing him and Erica.

Erica smiled at them, sitting in Ashtons lap and closing the door, waving to the two as Derek sent them a smile.

Ashton chuckled as they drove off. "Tonight's gonna be fun."

Hopeless Love (☆Scott McCall x OC☆)Where stories live. Discover now