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Chapter Twelve


There has been little time to think in the last week with both Lucian and I battling the flu. When he and Sam dropped me at home this morning, it had suddenly hit me; my court date is coming up, and I had completely forgotten it. The happy bubble I have been existing in is effectively pierced.

It's obvious this morning that Lucian was still troubled by what had happened during the night. He checked the bump on my head again, and I assured him it didn't hurt. I wanted to ask him about the dream, but I didn't know how. The sound of him choking was bad enough, but his words last night had been even worse. He sounded so scared, so horrified; I knew these weren't just random dreams. How long had this been going on? I can't imagine waking up like that every night. I have had nightmares about my stepfather on and off, but nothing of that magnitude. He had given me a brief kiss and told me he would call when I stepped from the car earlier. I wanted to act like a teenager and demand to know when, but I just smiled instead and waved at him through the glass as the car pulled away. I felt a childish urge to cry and had no idea why.

It has been eight days since I've seen Lucian. He texted me a couple times to ask how I am doing, saying he has some things going on at work that are keeping him busy. Regardless of what he says, I know this is about the nightmare and his need to pull away from me because of it. I go about my life, and I continue to show up at his apartment on my usual schedule, but he is never there. Only the dirty clothes and unmade bed show me he is indeed coming home at some point. I try not to let it show, but the loss of his presence in my life is taking a toll on me. I miss him so damn much. I alternate between wanting to send him a nasty text and begging to see him again. Not stalking his office is one of the hardest things I'd ever done.

Rose has tried to question me about it, but she finally backed off when I snapped her head off one time too many. I also have my court appearance coming up at the end of the week, and I am a bundle of nerves at the thought of seeing my stepfather and my mother. I feel lonely and depressed as I walk down the hallway to Lucian's apartment. As I open the door and step over the threshold, I freeze. Even with no visual proof, I know he's here. The smell of coffee is heavy in the air and as I stand quietly, the sound of someone moving around in the kitchen can be heard.

I set my keys and purse on the entryway table and walk slowly in the direction of the sound. Lucian is standing at the island with his back to me. He's dressed casually in jeans and a polo shirt. His hair is damp, indicating a recent shower. I stand drinking him in, my eyes roaming over him hungrily. God, I have missed him so much. I see the moment he becomes aware of my presence; his body straightens, and his breath seems to catch. When he spins around, we both just look at each other. Finally, he gives me a lopsided grin, saying, "Hey, baby, I didn't hear you come in."

"Hi," I manage to croak out. He called me baby. Does that mean things are okay between us? Do I care? Shouldn't I be pissed off at him? I mean, I know we aren't in a formal relationship, but don't I deserve some kind of explanation for his disappearance? Shit, now I sound like all the other girls I knew who ended up complete basket cases over a man. When he walks over and pulls me into his arms, I am rigid, unsure of what we're doing.

I am completely floored when he puts his forehead against mine and simply stays there for a moment. "I'm sorry, baby." I know he's referring to the disappearing act he has pulled on me for the last week.

"Did I do something?" I cringe, knowing the question makes me sound like an unsophisticated child, but I really need to know if I have done something to make him pull away.

He pulls back to kiss the tip of my nose before pulling me fully into his arms. "No, Lia," he murmurs against the curve of my neck. "I just...lost it when I hurt you that night. It's been a longtime since I've had those dreams, and that was one of the worst I can remember. I could have really hurt you, and it scared the hell out of me."

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