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Chapter Two


Checking my reflection in the mirror, I groan at the disaster looking back at me. The last rounds of sneezing and nose-blowing have done a number on my makeup. I pull my compact out and once again powder my nose. My eyes look glassy from the cold medicine I took before leaving home, making me look more like a crack-whore than someone's paid escort. This is a really bad idea. I take a hairbrush from my handbag and pull it through my wavy, blonde hair. Ugh, I desperately need a trim, but with my hair so long, I mostly keep it pulled back in a ponytail. On date nights, though, my dates prefer something a little less 'look at me, I'm a college student.'  Shit, even the brush makes my stuffy head ache. If not for the expensive books I need to purchase, I would have skipped tonight and lived on Ramen Noodles and water for a while.

I step out of my old Honda Civic and look around the parking lot. It's probably too much to hope that some lonely man is holding up a sign with my name on it. Maybe it would have been a good idea to ask what type of car Mr. Quinn would be driving. Why had I been so damn stubborn about riding in his car? Oh, yeah, I didn't want to be locked in his trunk, taken to some deserted road and killed. I've watched enough Lifetime movies to know all about 'stranger danger'. Since there still doesn't appear to be anyone looking for me, I decide to walk to the entrance and check with the valets. I have just stepped on the sidewalk when a sleek, black Mercedes purrs to a stop at the curb and a tall, middle-aged man steps from the driver's side and walks around the car. I am almost even with the car when the driver opens the back door. A man inside the car closes a laptop and steps out onto the sidewalk.

Holy shit, he's beautiful. Rose would die because he has the fuck-me style of tousled hair she just loves on men. His hair is as black as the night surrounding us and looks as if he-or someone else-has run their hands through it several times. His suit is obviously expensive and drapes perfectly over his muscular body; my heartbeat escalates as I imagine what that suit must be covering. He's tall, powerful, and looks like something straight out of a wet dream. I've given myself countless orgasms picturing a man like him.

I can only blame my next action on Nyquil intoxication. Thinking only of sharing the visual pleasure of this male God with my friend, I grab my cell phone and snap his picture. When he turns to speak with his driver, I giggle as I snap another of his ass. I stand oblivious as I start texting the pictures to Rose. When I finish, I look up, still smiling to find the male God in question standing directly in front of me, a smirk pulling at the corners of his kissable mouth. "Did you get what you needed, Miss...?"

Before I think better of it, I murmur, "Adams."

"Lia Adams?" he asks.

Surprised, I can only stare at him for a moment. "Um...yeah. How did you know?"

He takes my arm and pulls me to the side."I'm Lucian Quinn; I believe you are here for me?"

"No way! You're a god!" I slap my hand over my mouth in horror. Did I actually just say that aloud?

He grins, obviously highly entertained by my slip of the tongue. "Why, thank you, Miss Adams; that is very flattering. Is there any particular reason that has led you to that conclusion?"

Mortified, I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to block out those sexy lips I'm sure are still smirking at me."I...ur, sorry about that. You're just so beautiful." Fuck, someone shut me up! When the silence continues, I open my eyes and stick out a hand, determined to change the subject. "Hi, I'm Lia Adams, your date for the evening."

He leaves my hand hanging in the air for a moment longer before firmly grasping it between his. Heat races through my body at his touch; I can't remember ever having this kind of instant response to a man before. "Lucian Quinn and it is certainly a pleasure to meet you, Miss Adams." He continues to hold onto my hand until I finally tug it away. He studies me intently for what seems like minutes, but is probably mere seconds. To be the sole focus of that kind of intensity is disarming, at best. Was it my imagination or does he almost look shocked? Crap, do I look that bad tonight? No doubt, the answer to that question is a resounding yes.

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