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Chapter Nine


Lucian has been gone for a week, and I have heard nothing from him. I continue to go to his apartment each day, disappointed when there is no sign he has returned. I have been tempted to make up an excuse to text him but manage to talk myself out of it. Since there is really nothing to clean, I have rearranged his entire CD and DVD collection into alphabetical order. I am just putting the last DVD in place when I hear keys in the door. My body starts tingling, knowing he is near. I reach the foyer just as Lucian walks in. The welcoming smile slides from my lips as I take him in; he looks like walking death. He staggers on his feet as he crosses the threshold, and I rush forward to grab his arm. He seems startled to see me standing there. ", not feeling so good." Before I can reply, Sam steps out from behind him carrying a suitcase and briefcase.

"Hey, Lia. Our man here has the flu. He spent yesterday in the bed at his hotel before losing his mind and flying home today. I pretty much carried him through the airport and to the car." By this time, Lucian has put an arm around my shoulders and is leaning heavily against me. Sam sets the luggage down and takes his other arm. "Let's see if we can get him in the bedroom."

Between both of us, we were able to easily guide him down the hall. Sam braces him against the wall while I turn the bed down. I stand there uncertainly, wondering if I should undress him. Luckily, Lucian seems to recover enough to sit on the bed and take his shoes and shirt off. I quickly find a freshly-laundered pair of lounge pants and t-shirt and put them on the bed beside him.

"Sam, I'm going to run to the store and pick up some supplies for him. Can you stay until I get back?"

Lucian squints up at me, saying, "No, Sam will take you. Don't want you going out alone anymore, not safe." What is he talking about? I thought we had settled the subject of Sam driving me everywhere.

Sam pulls out his keys, obviously agreeing with his boss. "Lia, Lucian has already told me I need to watch out for you. We'll wait until he's in the bed and then go. It won't take long."

"But I don't need to be watched, Sam; I'm an adult." I can tell Sam is uncomfortable being caught in the middle. I also know he will do what Lucian wants; after all, he signs his paychecks.

"Lia," Lucian rasps out, "Worried about your stepdad, please just let Sam do his job. Too tired to argue about it, baby." Well, shit, it seems pretty childish to continue arguing over something so minor with someone so sick. We can take up this discussion again when he is feeling better. Sam looks relieved when I nod my head in agreement.

"Okay. Is there anything in particular you need? I'm going to pick up some ginger ale and Tylenol."

"Sounds good, money in my wallet." Lucian is already snuggling under the covers. I have enough money to buy what he needs; I certainly don't plan on going through his pants pockets. Sam follows me out and grins as I open the front passenger-side door instead of getting in the back.

Soon, we are pulling up to a Walgreens. He insists ongoing in with me and following me around as I fill the cart with drinks and every flu medication I can find. When I toss two boxes of Kleenex in the cart, Sam shakes his head and adds another. "Trust me, that boy is going to need that and more. He damn near blew the windows of the car out with his sneezes on the way home. I should probably go ahead and warn you, too: he is cranky as hell when he's sick, which thank God isn't often."

Rolling my eyes, I mutter, "Wonderful, that's just what I need to hear." I wonder if Sam thinks it's strange that someone who Lucian hasn't known for long is preparing to take care of him while he was sick. Maybe this isn't unusual in their world. I am probably one of many who have walked in and out of Lucian's life. I am dying to ask Sam, but I figure it's wrong to put him in an awkward position. He insists on paying for the purchases, saying he has an expense account.

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