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Chapter Seven


"What's going on with you? I thought you were going to stroke out when you ran out of here yesterday."

In a pathetic attempt to change the subject, I ask, "So, how was dinner with Jake's parents? Since you did the walk of shame this morning, not even an hour ago, I'm assuming it went well?"

As I suspect, she is not that easily deterred. "It was fine, but let's get back to you. Did you really leave your job at Date Night? How did you get another job so soon? I had no idea you were even looking? What is the position? What will..."

"Whoa...take a breath, for God's sake." I set aside my bowl of cereal and prepare to give her enough information to satisfy her curiosity. Shit, there is no way I can tell her the truth; she just wouldn't understand. How could she; I don't even know what I'm doing. "Er...well, I didn't really apply for another job. You know the date I had with the guy I sent you the picture of?"

She thinks about it for a moment before smiling. "Oh, yeah, the hot one. I couldn't say a lot in front of Jake, but seriously, what a freaking hot piece of a wet dream." My laugh comes out more like a snort. Rose has a way with words, and ogling men is her favorite pastime; she is like June Cleaver with a dirty mind.

In this instance, she is right on the money. Clearing my throat, I continue, "Anyway, he owns Quinn Software, and he sort of offered me a job." About the only things true within that sentence are Quinn and job; Rose doesn't really need to know the rest at this point.

"Shut up! You lucky bitch, I can't believe that." Wiggling her eyebrows she asks, "Does Mr. Wet Dream provide any extra benefits?" I feel my cheeks bloom, and I hope she assumes it's just embarrassment and not guilt.

"Don't get excited. I'm just his new housekeeper." Unless I want to dress up every day to clean Lucian's house, I have to confess to my new position. She would think it odd if I wore shorts to an office job.

"Yikes," she visibly cringes. "Why in the world would he offer you that kind of job? You probably make more money with Date Night than sweeping some hottie's floor."

Feeling the need to defend Lucian, I say, "He pays really well and is willing to let me keep a flexible schedule." The memory of Lucian's cock pounding inside my pussy has me jerking like I'm having some sort of attack. Rose gives me a curious look before shrugging her shoulders.

"If someone is going to be grabbing your ass, it might as well be a babe." Using her best stern tone, she adds, "I expect you to be able to answer a burning question tonight: boxers or briefs. " I catch myself at the last minute before blurting out the answer I have already discovered. Looking at my watch, I grab my purse and rush toward the door. Mr. Wet Dream is waiting, and suddenly I need to see him. Skipping the elevator, I jog down the stairs and am relieved to see Sam is nowhere in sight; maybe there's hope for Lucian after all.

The area around Lucian's home is busy and congested. I am absurdly grateful for the parking pass his secretary Cindy has given me. because without it, I would have been walking from a mile away. Instead, I pull in beside a sleek, black Range Rover. Obviously, it belongs to Lucian since it's one of four spaces with his apartment number. On the other side of the Rover, there is some sort of black sports car. The man certainly likes that color. There is no sign of the Mercedes Sam drives.

There is an elevator right off the parking garage, and I use the card Cindy has given me to access the penthouse. Somehow,referring to Lucian's home as an apartment is probably a gross understatement. When the elevator stops, I step out into a hallway with a double set of doors directly in front. A quick glance shows no other doorways, so I am reasonably sure this is the right place. A sudden case of nerves immobilizes me, and I shift uncertainly from one foot to another, trying to force myself to ring the buzzer.

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