My - My Tie

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The full moon blazed bright white in the sky over the trees inside of the Observatory in side of Newt Scamander's briefcase. The ceiling was bewitched to look like the sky outside, the magical forest within stretched for what would feel like miles to the wolves as they ran it, exploring and playing through the night. There was no happier place to be a werewolf.

Newt nodded, seeing them off, and turned away from the window.

Tina couldn't draw her eyes from them.

Newt had carried the case, disapparating along the string of landings that the wizarding alliance between MACUSA and the European Federation of Magical Entities had built to make intercontinental disapparation possible. It took a very powerful wizard to disapparate straight across, but with the network that MACUSA and the EFME had built, it was much more accessible and even older wizards like Newt, who was very powerful but just very old and tired, might be able to disapparte from France to New York in a matter of just five turns.. Newt had made it across the Atlantic and made it to the end point - inside the crown of the Statue of Liberty.

Now, they were in the Brooklyn brownstone that Queenie and Jacob owned, the briefcase in the guest bedroom.

"Oooh -  I get so nervous with them. Remus's wolf is so much bigger than Bradley's..."

"They'll - they'll be - be alright," Newt murmured. He sat down in a chair by the door of the observatory and reached up to undo his bow tie. "T-Teeny can you - can you help me with this?"

Tina was watching the wolves, her eyes following as they playfully snapped and rolled over one another, biting at the fur along their shoulders. "Don't play so rough!" she shouted at the window, though she knew the wolves neither heard nor cared.

"T-Teeny..." Newt gasped., his voice sounded funny. 

Tina turned around. He had clutched onto his left arm, his face screwed up tight in a pained expression. "Newt?"

"My - my tie."

Tina Scamander let out a scream and dove for her husband as Newt suddenly tipped forward and fell out of his chair onto the floor.

The Marauders - Order of the Phoenix - Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now