LXVII: 23 June, 1994

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Frederick Savage came to bleary eyed and laying on his back in the grass in the shadow of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, to find himself staring up at a blur of pink and grey. "Wotcher Freddy... How many fingers am I holdin' up?"

"Fiffnnhmmm," he murmured, not fully in control of his lips yet.

Tonks looked at her hand, pulled into a peace sign, and looked back down at Savage with a shrug. "Oi that was a right nasty fall you took there..." 

"Nhhhm hmhm..." Savage's lower lip was swollen and hard to move, his chin covered with mud and blood from his mouth. He'd fallen face-first into a protruding rock by the pathway. 

"C'mon I'll help you up to Madam Pomfrey's, she'll fix ya right up!" Tonks offered a hand.

"Y-you s-stunned me!" Savage gasped. "You stunned me."

"Oh come off of it, Freddy! What would I have stunned you for!"

"Dunno.. but you done it, I heard your voice, you stunned --"

"Hallucinations! That's what you've got! You couldn't even tell how many fingers I was holdin' up! What's next you'll be saying that there is the sun-- " She paused, looking up at the sky. It was growing dark and overhead, stars were staring to peep out in the purpley-pink span. The huge round moon hung high overhead, getting brighter by the moment as the time ticked down slowly but surely, ever closer to the nightfall. She stared at the moon. "Bloody hell," she whispered. "Is - is tonight the full moon?"

Savage had sat up and spat blood into the grass and he was struggling to his feet, a bit dizzier than he would've cared to admit. "Looks it," he muttered, looking up, his voice sounded funny from what was likely a broken nose.

Tonks stared up at it in horror. "It's - it's actual full moon, not just - you know how it looks almost full but it's missing the ickle bittest bit of sliver and there's like two full moons? Is's not like that?" She tilted her pink-haired head and squinted. "Cuz if you look at it just right on the left a bit it - it looks skinnier than usual!?"

"The moon doesn't go on diets, Tonks," Savage snapped.

"I mean --"

Savage scoffed. "What, are you a werewolf, afraid of the full moon now?"

Tonks looked at him, "No!" 

Just  - you know - the most bloody amazing beautiful compassionate hot-stuff-sexy-man I love more than frackin' anything on this entire planet is, is all - oh, and also he's on his way back here right now, through a violent murder tree, with a convicted killer  - who is also his hubby by the way -  that we're all out here trying to capture and feed to the dementors, but like  - stay cool, man, let's not let things get weird, alright, Savage?! she thought panic rising up in her.

They'd been waiting for Professor Snape to bring the potion in to Remus when the whole thing with the Map -- and now -- 

"Oh gods." Tonks smacked her hand to her forehead.

What if Remus transforms with Sirius right there?! What if he bites Sirius! What if Sirius ends up a werewolf, too? Or worse, what if Remus kills Sirius?

"Oh no, no-no." She shook her head, "Oh no - that is not acceptable!"

"What's the matter with you now?" Savage demanded, "Realizing what a load of cack you're in when Moody gets wind you stunned a fellow auror?"

"No - I just - oh gods. Savage, listen to me. You've got to get inside."


"Inside the castle. To see Pomfrey. Like now. Right now." She started tugging on his arm to pull him up. 

The Marauders - Order of the Phoenix - Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now