Intrigue and Defiance

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Remus lay on his back staring up at the ceiling. The alarm clock had gone off almost 40 minutes before and he hadn't moved. He should've been up and drinking ovaltine or coffee or tea or something in the kitchen, he should've been going through his briefcase, making sure he had everything... He should've been dressed, at least up out of the bed, because he had to leave in just --- a quick glance at Newt Scamander's old worn leather wrist watch on the night stand and Remus sighed. He should've already left.

He didn't want to go to class.

He looked over at Sirius, who was still asleep.

He had to go to class.


Slowly, Remus peeled himself out of the bed and put on the watch, got dressed and drawdled his way down the hall. He took too long drinking a cup of orange juice, staring at the clock defiantly. 

He had ten minutes to get to the university, across the campus, and into his seat.

He put the orange juice away and got his briefcase, using his sleeve to swipe away some scuffs on the leather case. He glanced at the watch on his wrist now and found he had eight minutes. 

Finally, he looked at the floo.

He didn't want to go...

Remus didn't go.

He turned instead and went out the flat's front door, down the steps, and across into the park, feeling deliriously crazy. Oh what the hell was he doing? He clutched his briefcase and walked quickly along the paths that twisted and turned, past a bunch of pigeons and a water fountain, past a stall selling coffee, along a twisting path that brought him by a small pond and up to the main road. He walked briskly, blending into a crowd of people, passing by shops, and crossed a busy intersection. It was about an hour before he reached the Thames and he was walking along the River's edge, his heart pounding and knees burning from tiresomeness and his ears ringing with blood pressure from stress.

"Bloody hell," he murmured, looking at his watch. The class would nearly be over if he'd gone to it. He should really think about going to the second class at least, yeah? He looked around, leaning against the stone wall. 

Remus didn't go.

Sirius meanwhile had no idea about his delinquent husband. He got up a little bit after Remus left and got dressed in his Gomer's Degnoming jumpsuit, cramming his feet into his boots. His leather jacket was a little too warm - the air was actually pretty toasty that day, so Sirius extended his jumpsuit's pockets and crammed all his usual stuff into those pockets instead, hanging the leather jacket up where it would be safe. 

He rolled the sleeves up to his biceps and tucked his cigarette box in the fold, along with his silver lighter, and pulled his hair up into a knot at the top. 

Bilius Weasley was waiting for him outside Gomer's office in Diagon Alley. "Morning," Bilius said. He looked exhausted, dark shadows under his eyes and leaning against the brick wall with an air of someone who wishes they were still in bed. "Long night?" Sirius jibed. 

"Oi you're going to need to step off today, Black," Bilius said around a large yawn.

Sirius asked, "You go to the Grindyswallow last night? How were the chaps?"

"Same as always," Bilius answered. "The bloke from Brighton bought a couple rounds last night - his sister's had a baby and he was celebratin'."

"I missed free ale?" Sirius lamented.

"You missed free ale," Bilius said regrettably. "Had a great time, we did."

Sirius took the assignments sheet from Bilius and looked it over. "Blimey we've got a lot today, huh?" he asked. "Mr. Ketterley in Dover, Mrs. Watson in Wales, Ms. Leonards in Oxford..." Sirius paused, then flipped through the lists of assignments. "Bloody hell, I'm tired already. Let's get this over with."

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