XLIII: 31 January, 1994

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The Quidditch pitch was a roar of noise.

It seemed everyone at Hogwarts wanted to see how Harry Potter would do on the brand new Firebolt broomstick that he had rumored to have received for Christmas. The game was such an important one, too, and loads of the students had placed bets  - a lot of galleons and chocolate bars had been wagered across all four houses - on whether Gryffindor would defeat Ravenclaw and whether it would be Harry Potter or Cho Chang who would catch the snitch.

Most of the bets were in favor of the Firebolt.

Remus Lupin climbed the stairs to the top of the box. Only a few days past the full moon and his poor knees were about as sore as they could be, and so he was taking the rickety steps one at a time. "Go ahead around me," he encouraged anyone who came up alongside him. "Just a tired professor taking his time going up," he murmured, waving them on.

"Are yeh alright, then, Remus?" McGonagall asked, slowing her gait to step alongside him.

"Oh yes, I'm well, Professor," Remus said, nodding. 

McGonagall gave him a concerned expression.

Remus smiled tremulously. "You know how it is, Professor," he said, "Just me and my furry little problem."

She put a hand on his shoulder. She didn't pass him by, either, though she did step to the side to allow others to go on. Instead, Minerva stayed right with him all the way up. He couldn't help but think that the act of sticking by him had been the kindest thing that had been done for him in quite some time.

"Here yeh are, Professor Lupin," she motioned for him to join her in the staff box. He looked hesitant. He'd meant to go find a seat in the back, where he wouldn't be bothering anyone. "Ye'll be hard-pressed to find a better seat now that yeh've sent half the school up ahead of yeh." She winked and held opened the little gate that kept the box private for staff. "Come along. We'll have some tea while we await the game to begin. I've got a pack of biscuits in my pocket."

He nodded gratefully - tea sounded lovely, and he'd luckily taken to stowing aconite leaves in a handkerchief in his vest pocket to chew, so he could even steep some of those in the tea - and stepped down into the box and McGonagall showed him to a place right next to Albus Dumbledore in the very front row of the box, directly behind Lee Jordan, who was seated in a special box in front for commentating. 

"Hullo Professor Lupin," Dumbledore greeted him, looking at him through his half-moon glasses with a smile. "Come to see the match! We all know whom you will be rooting for, I presume?" He smirked knowingly.

"Yes," Remus said, sinking into the seat with relief as his knees were given a rest, "I've been a long-time fan of Ravenclaw!"

McGonagall's head twisted quickly to look at him. "Remus Lupin!" she hissed, "You bite your tongue, young man."

Remus's mouth twisted into a smirk and Dumbledore chuckled. "I do not recommend biting your tongue, Master Lupin, but perhaps keeping your team allegiance on the need-to-know.. It seems you may be out numbered!" He winked.

Remus looked at McGonagall and elbowed her playfully. "You know I couldn't root for anyone else, Professor," he said quietly. "Except perhaps the Cannons - what with Oliver Kent and all."

McGonagall beamed, "Yes, our little Oliver has really done well for himself!"

"Oliver Kent flies a Firebolt, too, you know," Lee Jordan announced, turning about in the commentator's box, looking up at McGonagall. "So does Declan Lynch and pretty much anybody who's a who in the League!"

McGonagall nodded at Lee, "Yes, Master Jordan, you've mentioned it several times - in class, might I add."

Lee Jordan grinned, then hurried to turn back to the pitch.

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