Bad Words. Bad Dog.

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Remus walked into the flat in East London, dropped his briefcase on the coffee table, and went for the kitchen, passing directly by Nymphadora Tonks sitting on the couch, and opened the refrigerator. He took out the litre sized glass bottle of chocolate milk from the shelf, popped off the lid, and proceeded to chug about half of it before he even paused to take a breath. He gasped as he lowered the bottle from his mouth, swiping a palm over his lips to wipe away the excess that had gotten out 'round the edges. He took a deep breath, drank a bit more, then replaced the cap and returned the bottle to the fridge calmly. 

Walking back out to the living room, Remus stopped this time in front of the couch.

Nymphadora Tonks looked up at him.

"Wotcher, Remus."

"What are you doing here?" he asked, then, looking around and confirming Sirius's leather jacket and boots were gone and that Peter's trainers weren't by the door either, he added, "How did you get in here?"

Tonks pointed at the floo.

Of course Sirius didn't shut the floo when he left. He never remembered to bloody shut the floo. Remus sighed. Always left the floo opened so anybody could just go waltzing into the flat any time they wanted on a whim! Might as well leave the front door gaping and a sign out on the main road that said "hey come check out our flat while we're not home" too.

Remus looked at Tonks then. "Wait, you know how to floo?"

Tonks nodded.

"And does your mum know you're here?"

Tonks hesitated. "I should think she might figure it out if she used her mind a bit."

Remus sighed, "Nymphadora, I know that you --"

"Don't CALL me ---"

"Tonks! I'm sorry... Tonks. I know you think I can somehow talk to your mum about the whole hair situation but I honestly don't know what to --"

"I'm here to see Sirius."

Remus paused, thrown off. "Wait. What?"

"Is Sirius around?"

"You're here for Sirius?"

"Yes," Tonks answered.

"You're not here to see me?" he asked. 

Tonks shook her head, "No. I'm here to see Sirius."

Well this was new. Remus was so thrown off by this development that he simply sat down in the chair. "Well, Sirius is at work for... well, a couple more hours at least." Honestly, he was probably off within the hour or so, but who knew how long he'd be at the Grindyswallow following?

Tonks frowned and slid off the couch and onto her feet. "Alright. Well. Where does Sirius work, then?"

Remus stared at her - this little spitfire had every intention of hopping the Knight Bus or flooing off to wherever Sirius Black worked without so much as a hesitation. Bloody hell were they ever related. 

"He works for a company called Gomer's Degnoming, but --" and Remus caught her as she was grabbing up her little traincase in her hands and pulling out a small bottle of green powder she must've stolen from Andromeda and Ted's mantel somehow, "That means he works all over the place, degnoming people's gardens, so there's no telling where he is from day-to-day. He works all over... could be anywhere."

Tonks frowned and put her train case down.

"How about I take you home for now and I'll tell Sirius you were here and he and I will pop over soon and visit you?" Remus suggested. 

The Marauders - Order of the Phoenix - Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now