LVIII: 23 June, 1994

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"Welcome everyone to your Defense Against the Dark Arts Final Exam!" Professor Lupin was standing on the lawn of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, leaning against a podium he had magicked specially for the occasion. Although he looked tired and thoroughly disheveled, making Harry suspect that he was only using the podium because he was in need of something to lean against, he also looked excited and his eyes sparked with amusement. 

"Today's exam will challenge and entertain!" He waved his palm at what looked like an obstacle course set up over the grass, "First - you must wade across the deep paddling pool of grindylows! Next, cross a series of potholes full of Red Caps, and squish your way through a patch of marsh while finding your way despite the thwarting of a particularly nasty hinkypunk! Then, if you dare, you'll climb into this old trunk, descend a ladder, and face off against a fresh and particularly nasty boggart --" he paused.

"I actually was surprised by the terror the little bugger conjured for me myself this morning when I tested him. Recreated a particularly nasty meeting with an academic administrator from my university that I rather would have preferred to have forgotten..." he frowned, then his mouth twisted so that he looked downright mischievously over the crowd of third years gathered about him. "I took a page out of ol' Neville's book and riddikulused her into one of his grandmother's hats! It was doubly funny because the old witch looked so terrible with a great stuffed vulture on her head and I couldn't help but remember Neville's own boggart! Ms. Leonards never looked so riddikulus, I dare say!" 

Every one of the third year Gryffindors laughed uproariously and Ron clapped Neville on the back, "That was ruddy brilliant, Neville, ruddy brilliant!" he had tears of mirth in his eyes and Harry grinned up at Professor Lupin.

"Now, you'll all line up here - and I'll give you marks as you go... I know it's awful waiting for exam results and I won't need time to debate since we'll all be able to see your full run of the course right here!"

"Oh good!" cried Hermione with relief. 

Harry sat about on the grass and watched the other students running the course, leaning against a tree by the lake with Ron and Hermione. Professor Lupin kept glancing over at them from his podium, but his gaze never lasted long as he had to pay attention to the students as they ran the course. 

"Why do you think Professor Lupin keeps looking over here for?" Ron asked. He was eating a half of a bacon sandwich that he'd shoved into his pocket at breakfast for later snacking, straddling the lowest branch of the tree lazily as he kicked his legs and watched Seamus Finnegin shout curses at the Redcaps.

"Perhaps he's wondering why you can't keep your food in your mouth, Ronald," said Hermione, frustratedly wiping away toast crumbs that were raining down onto the textbook she was busily revising over.

Harry laughed, laying back against the tree, seated in the roots of it, his legs crossed and watching poor Seamus now as he struggled to jump from one lump of dry land to another, a Hinkypunk giggling manically as he pointed to the next lump, giving directions that may or may not be truthful. "It is an excellent question to have."

"Shut up, that's not it," said Ron, mouth full of bacon, egg, and cheese.

Hermione swept her palm over her book, looking up at him with frustration.

Harry smiled and ran his hand through his hair as he felt the sun warming him, and stretched happily. It was nice knowing that they only had this and then one more exam left before the end of the year - although he didn't particularly want to think about going back to the Dursley's for the summer, he was rather looking forward to not having to think as much as he normally did during term. He wondered what sort of horrible things the Dursleys would put him through during the summer that would make him legitimately miss being in classes all day before long?

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