XLIX: 15 March, 1994

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Remus was teaching the third year Defense Against the Dark Arts class. He had them all lined up in two rows and he walked carefully behind them, his hands behind his back, appraising as they cast their spells.

"The seize and pull charm is quite effective in stopping an enemy from escaping, rescuing somebody out of peril -- perhaps even yourself, depending on the situation... I remember once during a duel one of my best mates used the spell to pull himself out of a particularly difficult situation, resulting in his enemies stunning one another in perfect harmony as he dangled from the ceiling by his wand! It was a very clever bit of wand work and I've yet to see anyone replicate it during a fight." Remus paused and watched Hermione Granger pull Neville Longbottom across the room. "Very good, Miss. Granger."

She glanced up at him, nodded, and turned back to Neville without a word.

Remus continued walking, stopping here and there to point out some little thing the student might do to make the cast more effective. "Keep your elbow up a bit higher than that Miss. Patil. Try a bit more emphasis on the re-TRACT-um portion of the spell, Master Goyle."

Suddenly the door burst open, just as Remus was getting 'round to Ron and Harry, and Nymphadora Tonks slid through the door, her usually wild colored hair reverted to it's natural tawny brown. Her eyes were grey. Remus looked up in surprise. "Dora?" he asked, seeing her.

Tonks quickly ducked 'round the kids to get to Remus's side. "I need to talk to you," she hissed under her breath.

"Well if you have a seat over at my desk there you can observe the excellent practice my students are having and once they've completed --"

"Right now, Remus," she said, her voice lowering as she half-glanced at the students, she added, "Alone."

Remus hesitated, then glanced at the clock on the wall. "Alright..." he waved for her to go sit at the desk as he'd suggested, and he turned to his students, "I want you all to study the theory of the carpe retractum - what is the meaning of the latin root here? Write me -- oh let's say a foot of parchment -- on a situation in which you might use the seize and pull in a real-life situation. Funny, serious, whatever you like, but make sure I know you understand the spell and what using it can do for you... And prepare for next class, we'll be talking about the difference between a charmed skeleton and an inferius, so PLEASE do me a favor and KNOW WHAT THE DIFFERENCE IS by next class -- no Miss. Granger, don't tell me the difference now... just go ahead and read starting on page 422 about reanimation and we'll discuss next class. You're all dismissed. Enjoy your afternoons."

There was a great clamboring as the students hurried to grab their bags and things from where they'd stowed them. Remus could feel Ron's eyes darting between himself and Tonks as she stood awkwardly behind his desk, dancing one foot to the other, her eyes boring into his back. Remus wasn't sure which stare was boring deeper into his skin.

"You see that?" he heard Ron hiss to Harry on the way out, "Reckon Professor Lupin has a - a girlfriend?" he pulled a face, "Can you imagine old people dating?"

"He can't have a girlfriend, Ronald," Hermione answered, rolling her eyes.

"Why not?" Harry and Ron said at the same time.

"Because he's married, obviously," Hermione said, pointing at her ring finger on her left hand as she pushed them both out the door, "You're both terribly unobservant!"

When the door had closed behind the last student, Remus turned to look at Tonks as he waved his wand, righting desks to their normal places, rather than where they'd been pushed against the wall to clear room for the practical lessons.

Tonks turned to the door, "Colloportus," she announced.

Remus glanced at the locked door, then back to her, expectation in his expression.

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