L: 27 March, 1994

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Harry had loads on his mind.

Hermione acting funny, for one. She had walked right out of Divination and quit the class. It was so unlike Hermione to quit anything once she'd got it in her mind that Harry was sure there was something else bothering her that she wasn't telling him and Ron about. But honestly, it wasn't just Hermione that was bothering him.

The security 'round the castle had nearly doubled for since the night Sirius Black snuck into the dormitory. There were loads of aurors just marching about the castle, and so many dementors out on the grounds that Harry got shivers just looking out the window. They were like storm clouds filling the sky.

Because of security and dementors, Harry, Ron, and Hermione couldn't go visit Hagrid, which was usually one of the best parts to Harry's week. But honestly even if he could have gone, he wasn't sure he would have. He felt guilty for that fact, but if Hagrid's demeanor in Care of Magical Creatures was any indicator, then his friend was in a right depressed state and would have needed cheering up himself, too much so to be expected to help at cheering Harry up...

Remus Lupin had inexplicably called off their anti-dementor lesson on the tenth, too, and the 17th and 24th had both passed by with Harry still feeling frustrated and stupid. "You're being far too hard on yourself Harry," Lupin had said. "You don't believe me, but you have produced the full corporeal form twi--"

"Twice, I know, but I haven't seen it! I can't do it every time, and that's scary."

"You've come far enough to protect yourself on the grounds of Hogwarts, Harry."

"But what if I'm not at Hogwarts when I'm attacked?"

Lupin had looked affronted, "Not at Hogwarts? When do you ever plan to be near to a dementor elsewhere?"

"Dunno, that's the point, isn't it? Being prepared anywhere? For anything?"

"Oh Harry, the dementors are under the Ministry's control. They aren't just floating about Little Whinging. You're perfectly safe outside of school."

"But they weren't very much under Ministry control that night on the Express, yeah? You had to protect us!"

Remus Lupin had made a concerned expression, "I am sure, Remus said, there was an explanation to that which I cannot personally guess at. But they did no harm, Harry. I am sure everything would have been all right."

Harry wasn't.

And now, here he was in the DADA corridor, outside of Lupin's office door, knocking ,and Professor Lupin was out once again, the rumor had spread about breakfast in the Great Hall when Lupin's seat the staff table was, once again, vacant. He'd been wanting to see Lupin, been looking forward to it, even, he realized. He had worked exceedingly hard on the revisions that Lupin had set him for his paper on inferi, harder than he reckoned he, Harry, had ever worked on a paper before. He could've just held onto it until Tuesday, when it was really due, but he'd been going to use turning it in as an excuse to talk with Lupin. And now, well if the Professor was sick again -- there was no telling he would be better by Tuesday.

Harry sighed. He didn't think he could handle it if Snape taught this class. He couldn't.

Please anybody but Severus Snape.

The door to the DADA office opened and Harry turned to see Professor McGonagall coming out, closing it gently behind her. She turned to start down the corridor and spotted Harry standing there in the center of the hall. They stared at one another for several long moments, then she said, "Mr. Potter, I am verra sorry, but Professor Lupin isn't feeling very well today. You must not disturb him!" 

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