"You promised..."

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Authors note: listen to 'the other side' by Ruelle while reading this chapter:)

I've watched her over and over and over for two hours now. The number is gorgeous, so is she. She has called me about 6 times but I can't man up to answer, I don't want too have to lie to her

I can't lie and say I'm not fucking excited for this. I mean it's everything I wished for, playing for this team. I sound like an idiot I know that, but maybe this is what I needed for my career and she always said that 'your career need to be your biggest priority' so I guess I'm just honoring what she wanted.

I'm done with most packing and I'm just sitting on my sofa taking in what is about to happen. The dogs are laying next to me and I'm just breathing. It feels so good, the thought of all this it makes me happy.

"Soooo what are we doing to celebrate your fucking gold medal!" Nick asks

"Well how about our favorite thing...."


"What else could it possibly be Nick?" We laugh, and my ribs hurt like fucking hell, but we're playing it off.

"I need to buy new things for both Nathan and Isla, I love buying things for Isla and we'll for Nathan I mean why wouldn't I! And ohhhh Noah I need to buy something nice for Noah!"

"Yeaaaaah that sounds nice, you know you could also just buy things for yourself you won a fucking Olympic gold medal! That doesn't happen everyday!"

"I know I'll buy things for myself too! I'm thinking of like a new bag... in gold to celebrate my gold" he laughs

"Yeah that sounds more than right!"

I'm actually feeling so fucking happy, my life is finally getting into place and I feel happy. I think this is the first time I can let myself be happy and I actually believe I deserve it!

"You have tried calling 11 times and he's not answering, I'm sorry babe but he won't answer the 12th time... he's a dick, not answering when you just accomplished the biggest thing in your career ever."

"First this is not my career my company is my career, this is my life. Second he's not a dick either he's sleeping or just busy with practice! You need to stop being so harsh on him, he is kind and loving!" I tell him

"Yea he might be... hey what about you in this dress?" Ohhhh the dress is cute, black, a little loose, no back, and a v-neck in satin. Mmmm this is a masterpiece.

"I'll just buy it I'm to tired to try it on."

"You rich people!" We laugh the rest of the afternoon of. Shopping a lot like more than I want to admit... like bad. So we had to buy extra luggage to carry everything.

I've also drank 4 coffees in the last 2 hours... yeah no bueno. But I mean right now life is goooood! (Yeah I'm hype as fuck... way too much coffe).

While packing the bags to go home I start thinking about our wooden cabin farm house. And I would actually want to have kids with him. I never did, I never wanted children, didn't think I could get them. But I can and I want to, I really want too!

But first I have to get home and see my boyfriend.

I fet to the rink to pick up the last of my stuff.

"what are you doing here" well hello to you too Johnny

"Picking up stuff and saying goodbye"

"Oh so you can say goodbye to us but not to the love of your life, yeah no" he starts walking away.

"Stop, Johnny stop! Yes i know okay I fucking know, but I can't have you hating me! You are my best friend, I know I'm hating myself but I can't, I can't have you hating me!" He turns around and walks back towards me

"No, my best friend is the guy who can't stop talking about his family and the love of his life, the guy who talks about that fucking Christmas fizzy drink that you also drink in Easter in Sweden.  My best friend knows the difference between right and wrong, my best friend doesn't lie... this person is not my best friend" and he leaves me there

People are staring and I quickly gather my stuff and leave. In the car I start stressing a bit. He's right, he's always right with these types of things. I'm the bad guy...

I'm about to leave for the airport when I realize that I forgot my wallet at Lia's house. I better get over there to pick it up. And I need to leave Sasha with Lia's neighbor.

When I sit in the car I get a call from Isla.

"We'll miss you, me and Nathan." Well hello to you too Isla

"What are you talking about?"

"I've talked to Tasha and Elijah, they told Me. But I think it's weird that Angie didn't tell me herself, maybe she's in denial." Oh

"Yeah... yeah maybe she is." I let out a breath

"Hey Isla I need to go I have o couple of things too do before leaving."

"Yeah yeah of course, good luck!"

After leaving Sasha at her neighbors place I unlucky the apartment. Where could I have left the damn wallet?

I'm soooo excited to surprise Noah! I have tracked his phone and he's at my place so only 15 minutes until I can hug him.

Oh and Sasha, Isla, Natasha and Nathan, god I have missed them more than words can describe! Then there's Elijah but I don't like him so he'll get a tap on the shoulder or something. But the rest of them will get the biggest hugs in the world.

I walk up the stairs, weird Noah's car wasn't outside just a taxi. Maybe he walked... I unlock my door and see him standing there, I drop my bags and rush over to him. And just hug him, why isn't he hugging me back?

"Hey is something wrong? Or are you just in shock too see me?" He just looks at me like he's in pain
I start looking around... suitcases, a lot of suitcases and bags. Where is Sasha? Who's are these?
They have the logo of a Russian hockey team.

"What's all this?"

"Angel I-"

"Noah, what is all of this?" He stares at me

"I'm sorry" he looks down at his feet. What the fuck is going on?

""I don't understand, why are all your things packed and-, and why do you have another teams bags and stuff. Noah what the hell is going on?"

"I'm leaving..."

"What? Leaving? Where? When? Why?"
I don't think I'm understanding what's going on. He can't!

"Angel please, don't make this harder"

"Am I making this hard for you?"

He's leaving me, he is actually leaving me. To go to Russia, Elijah was right I should have looked into him more! How can he?

He promised me!

"You promised me..."

Authors note:
Sorry for the cliffhanger I just needed to create some drama you know!

Word count:1218

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