The starring(Noah -TW-)

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When I was younger I used to want to die, sometimes when I can't sleep I think back at that time of my life. To find comfort in being here, letting myself feel privileged and comfortable gets me to sleep. Because why waste the privilege I have when other dream about it, I might be an idiot from time to time but I'm not a dick.

My mom always thought me that being grateful for the things you have makes you happy! People who aren't grateful but greedy aren't happy. It's an important aspect of life, gratefulness is beautiful.

My father died when I was younger, it crushed me. He was my sanctuary, my happiness. We did everything together, he thought me everything I know till this day! Of course I have learnt new things and grown up, but I'll never forget! There was a time where I was scared I would forget his smile, voice and him. But I could never!

I see his smile in the mirror I hear his voice in mine and he lives in my heart! I got my eyes from him, ocean blue. And my dark hair from my mother, my gorgeous mother! Mia is a copy of her, we don't share the same father but I like Tim. He's a good man and he's good for my mom and sister. I trust him and I trust that my mother would find someone great.

When she first announced to me that she started dating my world was crushed, into millions of pieces. But soon I realized that she wasn't replacing my father, she wasn't forgetting him! She just needed to be happy and heal from him. She still loves him and holds him in her heart, they're family.

Marly is sleeping beside me, she looks so peaceful! She's already sooooo big I get sad thinking back at it. My little princess is getting big! She would love Evangelia, she loves people who aren't scared! Well I base that in the fact that she loves Johnny, but I mean he's not fearless he's stupid and reckless!

Well they met once and she was berry intrigued to meet Lia. To say the least...
She hates the nickname Angel and I love it, it fits her. She looks like pure heaven but I have started to recognize the devil inside of her. She really is a sneaky little demon. Well that's probably negotiable thinking of the fact that she doesn't smile, she's cold and just a brick wall when it comes to expressing emotions.

I am scared of her I really am. She looks like she could kill me and would kill me.... I better behave around her then. Nah not happening, I just have to have her. I know she's not an object or a trophy but I need her. And she is warming up to me, I know I make her wet. Especially when I said I only thought of her when I want to cum, that made her wet! That was half true, half lie, I just always think about her.
I had forgotten some things at the rink, so I drove back to get them.
When I get there she's on the ice, am I surprised? No she's always here. But she looks a bit unsteady, she takes breaks every 15 seconds, and it looks like she's loosing her balance. I wonder why?

She must be tired or something because frankly she looks a bit exhausted. Her coach is nowhere in sight so I suppose she's just practicing on her on. When I've gathered my things it looks like she's getting of the ice. I take this as my chance.

"Hello Noah" I guess I wasn't as sneaky as I thought

"How could you possibly know it was me?" I answered

"I saw you staring at me when you came, you know that staring isn't nice!"

"I wasn't staring" i Said awkwardly, knowing I definitely were.

"Mmmm you really wanna try this lying thing again, I really don't suggest that you do that." She's still has sent turned to face me, I'm talking to her back so to speak.

"Well maybe I was" She finally turns around, she looks so exhausted and pale.

"Yeah I know that already, now if you excuse me I have work to do." Work no she needs sleep!

"You don't just wanna go home and sleep?" I try to ask her into realizing that's what she wants.

"Are you kidding me, I have a job to get to!" A job she's an Olympic athlete what job is she talking about?

"Oh I'm a business owner on the side, Black enterprise. The security company, yeah I'm the founder and owner so." Shit she really is a fucking boss.

"Wow that's amazing, like really cool!" I tell her looking excited

"Yeah I guess, we'll now if you excuse me I have places to be"

"Can I join" I blurt out

"You wanna come to my work with me?" Shit that was fucking weird.

"Sure why not I don't know how fun it'll be, but sure"
Mhmmm okay I guess I'm going to one of the biggest company's right now.


We drive over there in separate cars, but I mean it's not hard to find. The building is taller than any other and is says "Black enterprise" on it in big black letters.

"So there is a lot of things you can do here like: ping pong, bowling, dart, arcade games, and sooo much more. I wanted to make sure that my employees had a fun work place. There is also unlimited access to food so see anything you'd like take it and eat it!" Wow this place is amazing,

I could live here, like really.

"How did you start this business?" I ask genuinely interested.

"i started working in the security sector and I liked it, but I always wanted to be my own boss so I started my own. But I started off as just security guards, and I was the only one. But when people realized that I was really good, I started training and hiring people and now where here" she's a fucking security guard, she could literally kill me!

"Do you know how to use a gun?" She starts laughing straight in my face...

"Yes I do! I kind of have to, especially to be able to teach others." That's cool, like really fucking cool!

Authors note:
Yeah might be a weird chapter but these things could be important for the future!
Word count: 1099

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