Date night (Evangelia + Noah)

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Once again no sleep, I'm trained for it so it doesn't bother me that much. Nathan did not sleep but Isla ohhhh yeah she slept like a baby! Her snores were loud and clear.

The Olympics is so close that I'm actually getting nervous. My mind has been so clouded with all the shot going on, I totally forgot about it! I mean I've had practice everyday but it all feels like a blur.

I put my practice bag together and hurry out the door. I'm not ready and I will not win the gold! Not with this routine... the program sucks and I'm trying to switch it up and put in more quality to it... but all I get in return is yelling and constant psychological stress. I can't go to the Olympics and get silver! I know I sound spoiled out of my mind. But I haven't caught through straight evil to not succeed.

If I fail... I loose it all. This is all I've been fighting for, it's all I've lived for.

I sit in the car and get a call.

"Hello it's Evangelia black"

"Good morning to you too angel" ahhhhhhh Noah....

"Good morning"

"You're awfully distant today, everything okay?"

"I'm fine! You?"

"Fine huh... I'm good thank you! Hey do you have practice today?" He asks hoping I don't

"On my way there now. How so?"

"I was wondering if lunch would work, but I guess not. Dinner?" I'm on a new diet... aka no food

"I think I'll have practice tonight too... but we can go to the cinema tonight, if you want to!" I really want to spend time with him just no eating.

"Yeah, I'll pick some cute romantic movie-

"Horror Noah, a horror movie!" I add

"Okay than! I'll book something" I can sense his smile through the phone.

"You did that and I'll go practicing for my gold medal, I'm here now so I'll see you later!"

"Good luck Angel! See you tonight!" We hang up

"You are such a failure, you know that right! Your fat, ugly, disgusting and just pathetic! I hope you fall and get really fucking injured at the Olympics and embarrass the living shit out or yourself" motivational words from my coach! I mean who doesn't want to hear what a failure you are.

"Sorry coach I know it's bad... but the program su-

"LOCKER ROOM NOOW!" And here we go hell just broke loose...

Okay so the new scream movie, I'm not a horror movie guy but you know I have other plans...

Johnny calls me... what does this guy want he calls like 7 times a fucking day.

"Hey man!"

"Hey Johnny what's up?"

"Soooo I stopped by the ice rink to pick some stuff up and... I saw Evangelia getting heat from her coach! I mean like really fucking screaming and yelling. She looked genuinely terrified..."

"Wait a second, terrified? Yelling? Her coach? What happened? Like why was he so mad?"

"She slightly messed up the routine like I mean not landing perfectly... he got mad and she sassed back. I mean she is Evangelia of course she sassed back! And he just screamed for her to get to the locker room" what the fuck... she would tell me if something happened right?

"So you can't see her anymore?"

"No sorry I can't really walk into the women's locker room..."

"No, of course not! I'll talk to her later." Something's of with that coach! I just hope she'll trust me enough to tell me.

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