No promises (Evangelia + Noah)

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I just want her to give me the chance to prove that I can be the one for her. I want her to see that I can love her and support her no matter what! Spoil her and just hug her when ever. I want her to start seeing herself the way I see her!

I know it will take time and I know that it'll take a lot of work, but I'll do it! More than happy to! She just deserves to be loved and feel loved....

"Noah... I'm not promising anything. I'm not promising that this will work, I'm not promising that this will become a relationship one day. But I'm saying that yes I will give this a chance. But so help me god if you in anyway throw that chance away you will never ever get it back!" I think I just heard something so totally wrong. Did she just agree with me....

I agreed, I don't know if this is the right decision. I'm battling it in my head, but I agreed! Not on promising anything... he hugs me.... I don't do hugs... not with anyone....

"Noah what are you doing!" I ask

"I'm hugging you?" He answers while letting go of me.

"I don't do hugs Noah" I look at him mirroring his expression

"Now you do!" A smile... his smile, god his smile really do make me want to smile. I hope I won't regret this! Please don't make me regret this.

"But Noah do not forget, if you screw this up, it's done, we're done! Got it" he takes on a serious face.

"Yes ma'am!" Oh I do really like when he says that I internally laugh at myself.

I've accepted the possibility of us having the smallest thing. And my mind is acting like we're spending the rest of our life together. Yeaaaaah no, I'm not letting my mind get ahead of itself. He might be one of the sweetest people I know but they can still stab you in the back or break your heart.

Oh god I really can't burn this chance! I have to be cautious with it, with her. She doesn't really have an expression on her face but I can tell that she is a bit scared.

"What are you doing nog Angel?" I ask her

"Oh me I have business to attend to, things to do and people to please" she says with a wink, oh she really can drive me crazy. I know she doesn't mean it like that but I can't help but react on it. Teasing me, that's what she's doing!

"Oh the only one you can please is right here in front of you!" A smirk grows on my lips

"Oh honey... you're right the only one I will please is right here... I mean I'm very good at pleasing myself" that gorgeous smile of hers appear. But his she really can drive me mad!

"Fuck that's hot!" I don't think I can handle one more sassy, teasing clap back of hers.
"Well we can grab lunch together!?" I sort of ask but it did also sound a bit not like a question and more like a statement.

"Well during lunch I have a meeting, but who knows I might be free for dinner..." did she just let me know that I can ask her out for dinner? Well if that's the case, I love it bossing me around like that yea I love it!

"Well Ms. Black would you like to go out for dinner with me?" She stares.

"Let me think about it" she says in a sassy type of way letting me know she just want to leave me with a cliffhanger.

"I'll text you! Now I have a meeting  about som e real important work!" And she yet again walks out on me. It seems to be a thing she has, not really ever saying goodbye. Well this woman is one of a kind! In the best way possible of course!

Well I'm driving in my car and my mind just keeps going back to him. When I get to the office I let him know. 'Pick me up at seven, not a second later! You choose the restaurant tho.'
That will make sure that he works for it. Finding a restaurant who isn't booked at 7.30-8 here? Almost impossible. But not entirely!

Plus I really wouldn't mind McDonald's. I'm a simple person I don't like expensive gifts and expensive dinners I can pay for that myself. I just want the things I can't make myself, like memories and this small kinds of stuff. You know acts of service. That's apparently what I search for in a person. I want small acts of service without asking for it. Like I know that if one of my cabinets were broken I could fix that, but coming one one day to it fixed. And just the small things like that.

And you know just like how he remembered that I like grey's anatomy, those things make me very happy. But I know that deep inside I really do value physical touch, I say I hate it but I just think I hate it because I've never had it. No one has ever just given me a hug or stuff like that. And I might think I'm scared of it...

She let me know what time to pick her up and an address. God I'm really fucking happy about this. It feels so right and I'm happy she sees that too! I just hope she really gives me a chance to prove to her that it's worth it.

I just feel like she's scared. Scared that I will hurt her, or that I will just leave her. But I won't, I really, really won't! When she collapsed in the ice yesterday I was so scared to loose her, I cried! I felt like someone had just punched me in the face. I never wanna see her but physically or mentally. And I definitely don't plan on being the cause of any of her pain.

"Luca you're early"

"Because we have important things to discuss..."

Oh no that look is no good. Something real bad is about to happen...

Authors note:
Yay they're finally giving it a go!!!

Word count:1067

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