Chapter 91

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"It wasn't mine!" He shouted.

My throat dried as I thought what could have actually happened...if Edwin wasn't the killer. 

"He was- He- Damn it!" Edwin turned away as he pulled on his hair in agony.

I stayed quiet. All this while, I had been accusing him of murder. 

He took a sharp breath before speaking," Ethan was a good brother." and for a moment, I thought he was calming down. I thought wrong.

"But that's totally different. You know why you're here, Gwen Smith?" He turned to me again, his eyes filled with rage.

"I didn't- I didn't know..." I stuttered and looked down.

"What you did unknowingly isn't a crime? You betrayed me when I treated you nicely and you sent me behind the bars just with a stupid assumption of yours. How smart is that, miss topper?" He gritted.

"I was overwhelmed- I didn't think right." I admitted.

"Because of you, everyone in the city thinks I'm that motherfucker who killed his brother. Wouldn't you want revenge if you were in this situation?" He asked.

I would.

"Since you're not answering, I'll just do what I have to." He took few large steps back towards the heap of discarded metal and picked up a petrol can. 

"Ed- Edwin what are you doing?!" I screamed in horror as he started sprinkling the petrol everywhere around me in a circle.

"Edwin stop! Please...I'm literally begging! Don't do this! You're gonna get in trouble please!" I started crying as I saw how close I was to death.

"It's hard to let you go. But if I don't, my dad will." He stepped back and pulled out a lighter from his back-pocket.

"Edwin please don't kill me!" I shouted. I was right, he was going to be the last one I'd look in the eye. As our eyes were locked, I saw a hint of sorrow in his eyes. if he was sorrowful for a girl whom he met couple of months was right that he couldn't kill his brother with whom he spent all his life until now. 

"Will you...come on my funeral too?" I asked in a whisper and he seemed to have read my lips. He slightly parted his lips and said," Yes."

Then please forgive me.


Her death was inevitable. I had overheard dad the previous night, speaking to someone on the phone and asking them to get rid of Gwen in a road accident.

I had decided to hate her, but at that moment, I remembered the first day I saw her.


"Edwin you need to tell me what your problem is so that I can correct myself." Ethan said as we were standing in his classroom and talking.

"You're the problem Ethan! Why does dad favor you and neglect me like I'm not even there?!" I shouted.

" need to be better than me to prove yourself. I can't lower myself down so that you get validation from dad." He sighed.

"Am I asking for too much? Can't you leave your social media?" I asked.

"I can't Ed. That's what I like. That's what I find peace in." He said.

"It's all because you're good looking!" I shouted.

"Will you calm down first? This isn't the way to come to an agreement. We need to speak at home about these things, not in-" He said when I shouted," He sent me a text! He said he's giving you my share of property on your fucking birthday."

"Dad...said that?" He asked.

"You're excellent at taking what's mine brother. Good going." I turned around to leave when he tried to stop me and I punched him," I hate this fucking face of yours!"

He fell on the floor and I kept standing, rethinking about what I had just done. It was instinctive but accidental. I had never hit him before.

I couldn't stand the hurtful expression he was wearing so I stomped out of the classroom when I saw her, standing there in fear and shock and still looking pretty. She locked eyes with me and my anger melted away. I was regretting hitting Ethan even more because she would think I was a bad guy. Well, I was. But I didn't want her to have that as my first impression. I had fucked up big time. 

Every time I saw her, she had me interested, I wanted to observe her little laughs and when she sulked because of being tired. She was probably the only girl who didn't wear make up. She was a natural beauty. She intrigued me and I wanted to know everything about her and date her.


Now, I wanted to save her. I wasn't going to drop the lighter. I was only playing around. The only way to save her from dad was to hold her captive. I wasn't going to stand Elijah Berryman or anyone else interrupt my plan. It was supposed to be all under my control.

I kept the lighter back in my pocket.

"Will you listen to me from now?" I asked her and she looked up at me with the look 'You're not going to kill me?'

"What do you want me to do?" she asked.

"Rules are simple. Do as I say and I won't kill you. We'll go somewhere far away in a few days. Until then, stay with me." I said.

"No. The court proceedings will begin soon. I- I need to stay here. I need to help Ethan." She said.

"Are you nuts? He's dead. My dad isn't that easy to be sent behind the bars like me." I chuckled.

Publishing this chapter I already had with me. Look forward to more chapters soon <3

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