Chapter 58

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I went back to my room, not really thinking of Ethan anymore. I locked the door and sat on my bed, running my hand through my hair," Why is my life so fucked up?" I asked myself," Edwin's really asking me out? Even though I rejected him on his face- Why?!" I laid back on my bed horizontally, staring up at the ceiling. Someone like Edwin would never date me. I just wasn't his type and he wasn't mine too. And after all that he did to his brother and me, I didn't even want to be around him, leave alone dating him. Why was he suddenly showing interest in me? I had a really bad feeling about it. My eyelids felt heavy and finding the white ceiling boring, I closed my eyes. 

30th November

I had been prowling around the house, looking for my black T-shirt that I had kept, or thrown somewhere, thinking I wouldn't need it anymore. It was a dress-code for students who worked back-stage with all the props and lights and myself being one of them, I needed my T-shirt.

"Did you find it Max?" Mom asked dad while digging into her closet.

"Nope, one bag's still there though." Dad shouted from the attic where we stored all the useless and old things. 

"Dad, come down. I'll pass today." I said while standing down the ladder to the attic. His head popped out from the rectangular gap," Why, you can't do that. It's a responsibility." He said.

"Yeah? Decorating the stage for tomorrow's prom night which I won't even attend is a responsibility?" I sulked.

"Who knows? You might find a partner last minute." He chuckled.

"Just come down. Let's have some Lasagna." I said when he exclaimed," Found it!"

"Oh no-" I sighed as he came down.

I held the T-shirt high enough for him to see that it was short in length. He still convinced me to wear it, saying it was oversized a year ago so it would fit perfectly now. It was not  a good idea. I didn't want to go to school wearing a small T-shirt that literally revealed my waist if I bent low or stretched high but mom said it was cute and encouraged me to go ahead. They thought I didn't know how to enjoy my life, go around partying with friends and do nothing but study. That wasn't the case for me. I just liked that kind of life. A normal life.


Teens going wild was all I could see. Students who were screaming out all the excitement for the next day, ran around the school like hooligans. The corridors, classes washrooms were loud, filled with chit-chattering. The attendance was more than usual days as teachers weren't going to teach that day and everyone wanted to see the Ramp Walk Rehersal.

I made my way through the crowded doors of the Auditorium, looking around for Tyler, who was managing the whole Stage Event and responsible to assign us work. I eventually found him talking to some students in black, so I headed over immediately.

"I know you're cold but that's the uniform you're supposed to wear." I heard him talk to a girl who was probably complaining about the T-shirt. November was over. Everyone was dressed in jackets and hoodies, except us. I personally didn't feel that cold, but judging by her red ears and pale skin, she was definitely freezing.

"Get to work or go home!" Tyler shouted at her and shooed her away. He was our class president and I had never spoken to him apart from when submitting my report sometimes, but I knew one thing, he was one arrogant guy.

"Where should I start?" I asked him and he looked at me awkwardly when he failed to recognize me," What are you good at?" He asked.

"Decorations and lightings." I answered, thinking blowing balloons and tying ribbons was better than doing anything else in those clothes. 

"Good," He glanced at a notepad and spoke," Go backstage and carry damaged banners from last year to the Prop Room. I want it absolutely clean." He ordered.

I grunted my teeth," Are you deaf?"

"Didn't hear you, now get backstage and do what you're asked to." He snapped and walked away.

"Asswipe." I grumbled, making sure no one else heard me and walked to the backstage. 

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