Chapter 62

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"And who might you be to her to stop me, Elijah Berryman?" Edwin questioned. 

"Unlike you, a human." Elijah snapped," Come on Gwen." He walked to my side and stretched his arm for me to hold and jump down the ladder.

"How am I not human?" Edwin chuckled cockily as he made way for me to leave." If you jump from there, you'll surely break some bones and I wouldn't like that." Edwin told me. I looked between Elijah's hand and the way in front of me, but I obviously chose to climb down instead of jumping down. As I climbed down, Elijah answered Edwin's question," Someone who doesn't feel the slightest of pain at his brother's death isn't human. Want me to tell you more?"

"Shut up." Edwin grunted. 

"Don't bother her and I'll shut up" Elijah said and the two of us climbed down the stage and out of the Auditorium. 

We finally stopped in front of his classroom, which was empty and he lead me inside. I was feeling a lot of emotions by the way he had saved me and above all of those emotions was happiness, after realizing that I wasn't alone. He helped me. He cared. And he believed it wasn't my fault. 

"What did Stace say?" He asked his first question after all that happened and I felt uncertainty and pain envelope me. The thought of saying 'Thank you for helping me' snapped out of my brain and the smile vanished before it was even formed on my lips.

"You...helped me just because  you wanted to know what she said?" I asked, finding it hard to speak. Surely, If I wasn't saved, he would've not known what her last words were. He saved me out of selfishness. Was I that worthless? No one wanted me? I thought he was finally my friend but it was nothing.


"It's alright," I raised my hand towards him, motioning him to stop giving me an explanation,"She heard whispers, calling my name. She thought she was going crazy and her mom suggested a change in the environment would make her feel better. She asked me to tell you that you were really nice but it's over. That's all. Any doubts? If no, then I'll head back home." I said everything in a monotonous way and finally took a deep breath.

He leaned against the Teacher's table, running one hand through his hair and sighed. He did not speak a single word, not until I left, without saying anything too.


It wasn't even 12 PM when I returned home, which was why mom asked me several questions.

"Did someone say something to you?" She asked as I plopped on the couch and grabbed the TV remote. I just wanted to forget that actually happened, because I was embarrassed of myself for hoping for one of the few things I'd never get- A friend.


"I'm fine."

"You're not-"

"Mom please! If I knew you'd throw questions at me, I wouldn't have come home." I shouted.

"What is wrong with you?"

"I do not expect you to ask me about everything that happens because I'm not a little girl anymore. Why must I tell you even about little fights and agruments with others?" I blotted out.

"Fine...I get you and I'm sorry." She said softly," But I just want you to know that we love you, which is why we're worried about you."

"I know that more than anyone." I toned down, seeing how upset she was to see me yell at her.

"I'll make you some coffee." She said and went to the kitchen while I sat quietly. I didn't want to study. I didn't want to watch TV. I wasn't looking forward to a movie night with mom and dad the next day. I felt dull and gloomy and for the first time, I realized my life was boring.

"Oh right," Mom placed the coffee mugs on the table and sat beside me," A boy called on our landline. It was strange."

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