Chapter 53

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29th November

Mom and dad had again made plans to visit a relative and wanted me to join them since they were worried about leaving me alone.

"I have somewhere to be." I said as mom told me to go get ready after we finished breakfast.

"Where?" She asked.

I couldn't say Stace's place because she had already left and i didn't have any other friends besides her, which mom was well aware of.

"The uh... Library."

"Really?" Mom asked suspiciously and squinted her eyes, as if that would help her read my thoughts. I knew my parents always made a big deal of every little strange behavior of mine and always asked me questions, but I saw it in a positive way. I was their only child. They hardly got time to spend with me and wanted to be like other parents who would share things with their children and clear their doubts about life and worldly things. No matter how exhausted they would be, they'd always want to know what was going on in my life and I appreciated it a ton.

"Yes! Now please, I'm already getting late." I said and made my way upstairs. I closed the door and opened the text Elijah had sent me early that morning. His address was really far from my house. But I would do anything to get the answers that I wanted.

I borrowed money from mom for the taxi fare, since I didn't have a penny on me. I left before mom and dad and glanced back every minute to see if they were probably keeping an eye on me out of worry. I walked past the street light, where I had seen Ethan and it instantly gave me chills. I took hurried steps to the main road and walked a few more metres ahead before getting inside a taxi.

Sitting in the taxi and staring out of the window at people on the sidewalks, some heading for a morning walk with their pets and children and some probably to the store to buy eggs and bread to prepare a hefty Sunday breakfast, I envied them for living their usual life. There would be many atheists in the crowd and many theists, who have a strong faith in God, but there would be only some or none, who believed in spirits and paranormal beings.

It's strange how some people think God exists but Ghost doesn't. A month ago, I was one of those people but now, I would bet my life on the existence of ghosts.  

I had no knowledge about spirits and ghosts. I didn't know how to communicate with them or why they existed. If what horror movies showed was true, then that meant Ethan wanted to get something done, which he couldn't do while he was alive, or he wanted revenge. 

I had to call Elijah once again to find the Fraternity House that he had called me at and finally, I spotted him in the street, dressed in a Navy blue Jumpsuit with headphones on, like he had just had a jog. Looking at him, the first thing I felt was sympathy, but I bet he sympathized, or rather pitied me of all. I decided to keep Stace's message from him for some time. 

I didn't like the idea of going to a Frat house loaded with people, to be more specific, guys. While following him, I asked," Are you sure no one's going to hear us?"

"None of them would be interested. Everyone's busy with their own things nowadays." He said as we arrived at the Frat house. It was one huge, four storied house, fully furnished like a hotel. On entering, to the right was a big pool and a rubber duckie was floating around, which sort of tickled me but I held the laughter. 

We walked straight through the big hall, into a wide corridor, decorated with flower pots on either side. I wanted to ask where exactly we were heading to, because I could see the door to the back-yard, when he opened a glass door for me. The room looked like an office room, with a table set in the center.

"Whose room is this?" I asked as I entered and he closed the door behind us and drew the blinds.

"Mr. Richard Cooper's. He's my dad." He said.

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