Chapter 57

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My jaw dropped at that. I could finally connect why Stace said she couldn't remember how she had gone back home from the park that day. She was possessed too, which was why she, or Ethan, talked about guilt and conscience. He had been trying since then to make me realize it and my dumb brain didn't take the hint.

I shuddered at the thought that Ethan had already been right in front of me and talked to me twice and I couldn't guess.

"So you loose memory of whatever you do while you're possessed?" I asked and received a nod.

"Enough questions for today. This," He pointed at the house right in front of us," is the house. Feel free to come whenever you want to know something and don't talk about anything secretive on the phone." He warned.

"I have a few more questions." I said. I was still confused as to why they were helping Ethan, what did the do in the mortuary, why was Ethan's body not yet cremated and what evidences did they have proving it was a murder. But Elijah denied any more questions, saying he wasn't allowed to tell anything more or less because him and his dad still didn't trust me.

I could understand that, so I didn't fuss and left for home.


Mom and dad weren't home, so I used the spare keys and unlocked the door. I had been told by Elijah, that Ethan might show up when I'm all alone, so I was prepared for any scare.

I sprawled on the couch in the hall. I hadn't felt so relieved in a while. Earlier, I thought I was going crazy and now, I was aware that my crush's ghost was around me. Surprisingly, I was more at ease now than before. He was there but he wouldn't harm me.

"Are you here?" I asked. I wanted to know something or anything from him which could be of some help. I didn't know whether he would respond by speaking or something else, or whether I could touch him or not.

Wouldn't he know who killed him?

"Hey Ethan." I spoke again after receiving no response from him.

"Right...I don't feel anything. Maybe he isn't here." I said to myself when my phone buzzed. I glanced at the locked screen. It was a text message from an unknown number.

Unknown : Where are you?

"What the actual fuck?" I muttered.

Me : Who is this?

Unknown : Your enemy.

My enemy? Who could that...

I rolled my eyes as I realized who it was.

Me : What do you want Edwin?

Edwin : Quick witted.

Edwin : Let's go on a date.

I felt Ethan's presence in the hall," Bad timing." I whispered before glancing back at the screen.

Me : No thanks.

Me : I don't enjoy a glass of water being thrown at me.

Edwin : I'll abduct you again.

"I'm not stupid to get in your car again like I did earlier."

Me : Piss off.

I blocked his number and sighed, then focused on Ethan," I met with Elijah and his dad. I...know a bit about the whole situation. Please talk to m-" I was interrupted by the doorbell.

"For God's sake-" I got to my feet and walked to the door to answer it. It was around time for lunch, so I thought it was mom and dad and opened the door.

"Hey," Edwin said with his usual smug face and gave me a little push inside. He was dressed in his usual style, black leather jacket over a dark green T-shirt and jeans with black converse. But there was one thing that was new about him and that was a ring on his right hand's index finger. It was a three stone, sapphire ring engraved in a diamond frame.

Ethan wore a similar one too and according to some, it was a royal family thing, because their dad wore one too.

"Hold on! I didn't invite you in-" I said, blocking the doorway," What are you doing here?"

"I was here the whole time. You can't block me now." He said, pushing his way inside the house. He went and sat exactly at the spot I was sitting on previously and sprawled his feet on the table. I stood at the doorway because I didn't want to be alone with him.

"Why do you keep bugging me?" I questioned from where I stood.

"I just asked you out."

"And I rejected you." I snapped," Get out." I was still holding the door open for him to leave.

"Ouch, I'm sorry," He stood up and walked closer to me," I came to know it was someone else who told on me."

"Well, I'm glad you did. Now leave." I gestured him out the doorway but he stood right in front of me and inched closer to my face, tilting his head slightly with a smirk," I'm here with good intentions this time."

"I appreciate that, I think. But let me get this straight, I'm not interested in you or in anyone." I said.

"Sassy, I like that." He stepped out and standing on the porch, he completed his sentence," I'll be patient, but not for long."

I stared at him uncomfortably as he walked away, towards a white Eco Sport parked across the road.

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