Chapter 83

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My head was hurting like it was about to explode. I sniggled out of bed, walking with the glucose-stand around the room. I grabbed my phone from the table where my belongings were neatly arranged. I wanted to call mom and dad but I realized my phone was turned off and there was no charger around.

"Ethan..." I cried out as I had a sudden break down. I wanted to destroy everything. I wanted to pull out the tubes inserted in my veins and break out of the hospital to an empty place where I could scream my soul out.

"How could I miss another chance of telling him about how I felt?!" I started pulling my own hair in frustration," I'm so stupid! So much that he won't even come back anymore! He's left...and Edwin is to be blamed."

Once again, I had the same scene reappear in my head.

Since that day...I became his witness. When I first saw Edwin punching Ethan...I should've known to what extent he could go to and kill Ethan. I should've talked to Ethan that day. He was being treated like that by Edwin. He was being humiliated just because he was the better son. I could talk to him about it. I could help. He still put his hopes in me when he sent me that text. He had remembered me. That was why... he chose me. I was the witness.




I heard a knock on the door and followed by that, the door cracked open into a small gap. I squinted to see who was at the door and met with surprise.


"Ms. Frost?" She pulled me into a small hug. I wiped away my tears and fixed my hair instinctively.

"Is something the matter?" She asked, filled with concern.

"Not really. I'm just shocked because I just woke up." I said, figuring she didn't know anything about Ethan's case and the investigation.

"You should get back in bed and rest. Let me help you." She held me firmly by the arm and walked me back to bed, carefully tugging me inside.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked.

"'s all over on TV." She said and my eyes widened in shock," WHAT?"

"Everyone knows about the Ethan Miler Case and that his brother did that awful thing. The officer in charge did a brief conference which was broadcasted on every news channel. People are even more intrigued because it's the famous businessman, Mr. Howard Miler's family. We even know how he meddled with the previous reports and hid the fact that his son was murdered. out in front of the world." She said, ending with a deep sigh and momentarily added when I didn't speak anything," The media doesn't know about your involvement. Still, use the back-door since the media is crowding out in the front."

"Why?" I asked.

"Detective Richard confirmed to media that Ethan's body will be taken out in a few hours for his funeral." She answered.

"What do you- Wasn't...his cremation...already done?" I asked.

"It seems Mr. Howard Miler was completely unaware of the secret investigation which is out in public now and everyone's thankful to the detective who was able to bring justice to Ethan Miler." She answered.

"So...the cremation never...?"

"Don't stress out too much. He was initially supposed to be buried but his body was secretly taken out and kept safely in the mortuary...although I checked with the mortuary and found no records as such. It's strange but we have to believe what's on TV." She explained.

"What about Howard Miler? Isn't he doing anything or posing threats to Mr. Cooper for doing such a thing? I mean...cremation is the right of the deceased and it shouldn't have been meddled with." I said.

"But hadn't it been for that, they would've never found out about the murder." She reasoned," We're in no position to side with any of them. I'm here to...tell you something before you get discharged." She said," I would like to give my statement to the court and help Ethan's side win the case. My number's written behind it. Please ask Mr. Cooper to contact me and...tell him I'm sorry for not telling him the truth when he first visited me."

She left her business card on the sheet and left after wishing me a healthy recovery.

Just what the hell happened while I was asleep?!


It had been a week since I'd been living in the lock-up. I never gave in to any investigating officer. Five of them had tried and got nothing out of me.

Was I to lie that I killed that low-life idiot?

However, I was keeping my cool and waiting to be out of there in another five days. Five days before I could be close to Gwen again. After all, she was the reason for everything. I had to pay a visit.


I heard a familiar gruff voice coming from the dark corridor across the iron bars. I got to my feet, getting up from the filthy and cold floor and ambled towards the source of the voice.

I grasped the iron bars, bringing my face closer.

"Sorry about this son. Bear with it for a little more." The man who I used to regard as 'dad' spoke. I could see his glasses reflecting the light that was coming from the end of the corridor.

"You must be feeling great though, seeing me in a situation that you deserved to be in." I snickered.

"I've been an awful father, haven't I?" I could see the smirk on his face.

"I mean, good you got rid of that weakling, but could you not do a better job at cleaning up?" I complained.

"You've got to be kidding me. You got played by that girl and those two pricks. It's your fault." He blamed.

"I'm already taking a blame for you. Not anymore. Get me out of here quickly." I frowned.

"I will. But promise you'll do anything with that girl than killing her." He said.

"I know worst things."

"I still can't contemplate how they could sneak out the body from under my nose." He wondered to himself.

"They're clever than they seemed to be. You were being careless, weren't you? Thinking no one would ever find out if you left the room like that. How stupid." I chuckled.

"You shameless idiot." He scowled," At least Ethan respected me."

"And you did that to him when he was the nicer son. I guess being nice doesn't pay off well in this world." I said.

"Don't forget who has the power to get you out of here." He warned.

"And you don't forget that I can easily expose you by telling that the ring with blood stains belongs to you that you left on the table that night!" I yelled angrily. I felt my ring  burn a hole in my jean's pocket.

"Okay enough! Arguing with you is such a waste." He stomped out furiously.

I went back and slumped against the withered wall in the dark. A tingling feeling went down my spine as the cold wall touched my thin T-shirt that I was wearing. My stomach growled with hunger.

"Gwen, you better brace yourself."

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