Chapter 80

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I was blank. Edwin was gripping onto my upper back with his chin resting over my head. For a moment, I shut my mind up and stopped thinking he was merely playing with me. I felt affection pour over me and I couldn't help but accept it. He had a bad day and I decided to return him what he deserved at that moment. My hands traced his back and rested in a comfortable position. I patted on his cold leather jacket softly and closed my eyes.

Somehow, I felt at ease.

"Don't let your guard down around Edwin. He might be the killer"

I gasped as I pulled away from Edwin abruptly. His expressions were warm, yet I couldn't get Elijah's warning out of my head.

Am I giving in to a bastard? Even if he's found clean in future, how can I forget all that he did to me? The abduction, throwing water all over me and treating me like a slave and even my first kiss!

How could he take away my first kiss, that I only wanted to give to Ethan?

"What happened?" he asked.

"I needed some air." I said and ambled towards the kitchen to gather my thoughts. I rested my hands over the kitchen island and sighed loudly. I said to myself," I can't let my soft side take over, especially around him. I have to stay cunning and bold."

I nodded to myself as I made up my mind and lifted the tray of snacks and drinks to take them to the hall but when I turned, he was standing at the kitchen door.

Calm down. Act natural. He didn't hear anything.

"Are you really okay?" He questioned.

"I am. What's wrong with me?" I asked.

"You look nervous." He said as he stepped closer.

"Do I? I'm not though." I said confidently but my confidence was giving away the more closer he got.

"I have a question." He said. The tray was maintaining some gap between us. He loosened out a few strands of my hair from the bun I'd tied and twirled them. I could feel the tray shaking in my hands.

He heard me.

"I have a strong feeling that you're keeping little secrets from me." He said, slowly taking away the tray from my hand and keeping it on the slab," And it includes that Berryman punk, doesn't it?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Where did you and Elijah go after school today?" He questioned.

"Ah, that? We were just hanging out." I shrugged.

"Make me believe that." He ordered. He crossed his arms across his chest and looked down at me sternly.

"What am I supposed to do to make you believe?" I asked.

"The last time you, Gwen Smith, told me that you didn't even know him well and now you're telling me you're hanging out. Does that add up? If you ask me, no." He said.

Keeping in mind that he beat Tyler up a while ago, I must be mindful of my words.

"That was then. He's my friend now." I said, thinking it was best to friend-zone Elijah.

"So a friend deserves your soft side and I, being your boyfriend, don't? Or have you not even accepted me as your boyfriend?"

Have you ever asked whether I liked you or not?

"I do accept you as my boy...friend." I spoke through gritted teeth.

"That's good to hear." He stepped back,"Give me three times the time you give him from now, understood?"

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