Bathhouse X Warmth

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Enjoy ho-ho-ho~steamy shit, literally- A/N


"Killua!" Gon ran up to him and hugged him. Hisoka went up and hugged them too. "Awwww I want to be part of this.~", I gripped his shoulder and electrocuted him, "Pedophile," I said.



Hisoka was laying on the floor unconscious. "You guys are still together I see?" I looked to the door and saw Grandpa. "No. We're not." I said quickly, he chuckled. "Y/N...Sometimes love could be a bit complicated..." I was confused, he then walked out chuckling. I used my healing abilities to heal Killuas wounds.

"Thank you Onee-Chan!" he said "Guys I'm going to take you to the guest bathhouse...You guys are uh- very sweaty.". I agreed. Hisoka then perked up "Bathhouse huh? Am I going to see you, darling~," he asked, I saw Leorios nose bleeding a bit. "No, us Zoldycks has our own bathhouse, because we don't need you perverts to spy on us," I said. Killua guided them to the bathhouse and I went to the Zoldycks one. I quickly cleaned myself and decided to relax in the hot spring. 'This is soooo relaxing' I thought.

I then heard the hot spring door opened. It was very steamy inside so I couldn't see who it was. "Killua?" I asked the mysterious person. He chuckled. I realized that it was...

"May I join you darling?~" he said with a towel wrapped around his waist. I saw him with his sculpted abs. "No!" I panicked "I'm naked! And what are you doing here!" as I went to the other side of the hot spring. He chuckled and stepped in without his towel on "Well you brother kicked me out for being too pervy~", he swiftly walked towards me and I walked back with nowhere else to go. He leaned towards me and licked my neck. I whimpered. 

"You look beautiful my love~" he whispered "Besides I've seen you naked before~". I blushed very hard. "What's the matter darling~? Is the hot spring too hot for you?" he asked "Well...I'm going to make it hotter~". I panicked and ducked under him attempting to escape. He grabbed my arm and kissed me. I kissed him back. Both of our hearts were thumping, I couldn't tell who was who. Who cares?

After we finished making out (kissing), we went to separate showers. Cold showers. I finished washing and put on some fresh new clothes. I saw Hisoka waiting for me outside. He smirked. I walked in the opposite direction, away from him. He grabbed my arm before I could walk away (again).

"What's the matter, darling?~" He asked "Trying to not talk about what happened in the hot spring?" he pinned and trapped me against the wall and leaned towards me for a kiss until he was interrupted.

"Hisoka! Step away from my daughter!". I looked over to see who it was. It was my father, Silva Zoldyck. 'Crap we're screwed!' I thought. "Y/N walk with me." my father said. Hisoka released me and I followed my father.

"I said to walk with me. Not follow me," he said looking back. I walked faster to catch up to him. "I thought you guys broke up..." he said looking forward. I looked down. "I made up with him, but we're not back together...". 

He sighed and rubbed his eyebrows. "Y/N, I care about your happiness, so I'm going to allow you to do what you want ok?" he smiled with comfort and care, I looked at him and hugged him. "Thank you, father.". "But if he hurts you again, I won't hesitate to kill him." I chuckled "That's what Illumi said to me.". "Seems like something that he would say. You know he does care about you correct?". I nodded. 

He and  I walked to the dining hall and already saw my family except for Illumi, Leorio, Kurapika, Gon, and Hisoka already seated. I sat down next to Hisoka as that was the only seat left. We all silently ate our food. Then the front door opened and in came Illumi. 

"Sorry that I was late. I was dealing with a client." He said he walked into the dining hall "I didn't know that we were going to have guests today." he was covered in blood. 

"Illumi! Go and change!" mother said.

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