Chapter Forty

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Word Count: 1781


Time doesn't react the way I thought he would.

He doesn't explode in anger, like myself and Thought must have assumed he would. Instead, he doesn't even flinch, the only reaction we receive is the slightest furrowed brow. I want to start blurting out about how much he is lying, but I let the silence in the room consume this situation, hopefully to make Thought feel guilty about the blatant lie he is feeding his brother.

"I think you should leave," Time says softly. Despite his soft tone, I can feel the anger dwelling beneath his tone, threatening to arise the moment Thought says a word that isn't in his favour. I can't help but shiver, but still don't say anything, knowing Time would never believe that I would kiss his brother.

Not after everything he has shown me.

"Loosen up, brother. I'm only messing with you," Thought says casually, leaning back in his seat with a devilish grin painted across his face. "Didn't think that was still a soft spot for you."

Thought knows well that his brother is tender about this subject, but despite his arrogance, I'm grateful he is putting it all out on the table so nothing is awkward anymore. Now it's Time's job to keep his anger hidden and to remain calm. At least I know he doesn't believe his brother, and I don't have to defend myself. That is one thing I can be grateful for; that Time trusts me.

"Rosie invited you here to be nice. None of this is necessary," Time says cooly, his fingers unclenching from where I had noticed they were pinned against his palm. Thought can see more of his anger than me, considering how long they have known each other, but Time still hides it regardless.

"Thank you Rosie," Thought says, his voice dripping sweetly like honey as he looks at me with a grin that makes my stomach churn. He's definitely rifling through my head right now.

I won't let that get to me.

"This is meant to reconnect you guys," I tell them. I can't sit here all night and watch these two bicker back and forth with nothing being accomplished. Time's jaw clenches. As much as his pride persists, he's relenting because of me. He's relenting because I'm his mate, and after everything, he's owes me this, at least. I don't want two powerful immortals hating each other in my presence for the rest of my life.

"I'm as willing as ever," Thought says. There's a snarky tone to his voice, but I get the feeling he wants to improve this relationship as much as I do. Hopefully Time can see past his brothers arrogance and agree to start rebuilding their relationship.

"Fine," Time says slowly. "Why don't you stay here for the night. I have things I would like to talk to you about."

Times gaze flickers to me. Things to talk about that don't involve me.

"You don't want to spend more time with your mate?" Thought asks. Chills flutter across my skin as his gaze falls upon me, looking me up and down without remorse. "The way she's thinking about you gives me the impression you're not exactly...satisfying her. Tell me Rosie, is there something your mate isn't giving you that I could?"

"Enough," I say, before I fully have time to register what he's saying.

Of course, my cheeks flush, as I know exactly what he means. Spreading the forefront of my mind with vulgar words that I hope Thought will read, I focus on Time. He doesn't seem angry, but I can tell he's moments away from sending Thought away, and if that happens, there will be no more chance. Now even I'm starting to wonder whether this is worth it.

"This will work out if you don't read my mates mind," Time says slowly. I have to commend him on his ability to keep calm. I wouldn't blame him if he exploded on his brother. I'm almost considering it.

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