Chapter Two

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Word Count: 1525


I tried to stay inside. I did.

Marie has been kind enough to offer me a job and a cot to sleep in at night. It gets cold here at night, it seems, so I'm grateful for the warm fire. Working in the bakery hasn't been all that easy either, considering the early mornings and burns I've acquired all up my arms. It hasn't been easy, and I'm starting to get cabin fever.

Almost two weeks have passed and I haven't left the house. Marie has been oddly stern about how the public in this village will not react well to my presence. I'm not sure why she is so scared of their gossip going back to reach Time...

I know he is frightening, but I doubt he cares much for some girl who showed up in a small village in his territory. He must be dealing with bigger issues in the immortal world.

I'm not included in that.

So, tonight I've decided I'm going to venture out. I just want to see more of the village and get an idea of how big it is. I'm not planning on speaking to anyone, in fact, I'm hoping to keep to the shadows and just look. Marie is at a market on the other side of the village selling her baked goods. It's the perfect night.

Shrugging a hand knitted jumper made by Marie, I wander out into the night. The streets are empty, everyone being at the market. As I walk down the road, I'm lucky the few scattered lamp lights around here are illuminating pale light in front of me.

It feels satisfying being out in the open, feeling fresh air on my face, as bitter as it is. It smells fresh like pine.

However, something doesn't feel right.

It's something in the air. It's something in the way the forest around us sways, like some kind of warning. It's ominous, as if some kind of ethereal creatures lurks beyond the boundary of the village, haunting the entire area. It makes me tuck my jumper around my body more as I walk, reminding myself never to wander in there.

My mind strays. I feel watched, but not by someone beside me, or around me, or even in the forest. It prickles at the back of my neck. It's like someone is in the air, praying on my every move.

What if it is Time?  What if he knows no one is new in this place, and wants to come here to terrorise me?

Suddenly I want to turn around and go back.

I keep walking though. Maybe it's narcissistic of me to think Time would have any interest in me, however, it's as if I can feel his presence floating around me, brushing against my skin. I try brush the feeling off. I'm overthinking this too much right now. Marie has gotten into my head too much.

As I walk further, I can hear the soft beat of music and a chorus of voices. I'm assuming it's the night market. I'm curious about what is going on there, however, I don't want to run into Marie. I'm sure if I go in the opposite direction of the sweet smell of baked food I've become so accustomed to.

Keeping to the shadows, I approach the what I assume is the market. People chatter brightly, unbeknownst to me lurking, pulling up jumper up around my neck.

I'm praying no one notices me.

The village is surprisingly busy. Stalls line up among each other, soft glittering lights hanging from each one, illuminating the produce each vendor is selling. People wander between stalls, eating food, talking to each other and swaying to the music that plays through speakers scattered around randomly.

It's a strange sight, considering how reclusive this entire village was that night I first appeared on the train. I'm curious, though, walking amongst the people, looking at all the food and listening to the music.

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