Chapter Thirty Seven

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Word Count: 1604


We didn't stay in one place for very long.

Almost as soon as I witness Time killing Jasper, everything around us began to shift and change once again. I grip him, unsure of whether I'm grateful to get away from that, or irritated that I didn't get to know more of the story, and Time's motive. I know why he did it, but I can't just accept it as that. Did he really send Jasper on a mission just for me? I don't want to believe it.

My feet hit the ground with a jarring jolt. Time keeps me standing, as I regain focus on the new world that forms around me. My hand reaches out and I'm touching the rough bark of the tree. We are hiding, again, I realise. This time, we are starting at a scene that takes my mind a few moments to wrap around.

It's Alpha Faye, of the Independence Pack, standing in front of a figure I have never seen before. He has dark curly hair and...golden eyes.

Is that Time in a different body?

They stand by a cliff's edge, the man who I've determined must be time, stands close enough to the edge to have me biting my nails if Time beside me didn't have my hands in his grasp. Faye stands in front of him, distraught look, throwing her hands up in disgust at Time's chest, pushing him violently away from her. He stumbles back a few steps, but doesn't appear too bothered.

"Get off me! Get the hell away," she screams violently.

I glance at the Time beside me, raising a questionable brow. How does Time know Faye? Am I watching a bad breakup? If so, I would be surprised, after what Time did to Jasper for me. Faye is beautiful, but if they were ever together, it would mean everything Time told me is a lie.

He leans into me. "I killed Jasper. For good. She found out and she was angry. I had been inside that bodies head for awhile, and was working on getting out of it. Faye...she had every right to be angry."

"Woah there. I nearly fell," Time says sarcastically to Faye, feigning another step backward like he's about to fall off the cliff. That doesn't seem to impress Faye, who clearly knows if he fell back off the cliff, it is unlikely he would die anyway.

"Good. You deserve to suffer. You will suffer," Faye growls, her anger clearly taking over.

Time doesn't even flinch, regarding Faye with a smile I am most definitely familiar with. I can understand why, after everything he has done, they don't like him so much. But for some reason, hearing that makes my heart fall.

He says something which triggers even more anger out of Faye, as she continues to blow up at him. "No one will ever love you. All of you immortals come from the same damn place, but I'm sure all of them could find love...but you. You're disgusting. You're broken and ruined and all you want is for the best people to hurt. No one will ever care about you."

Suddenly everything seemed to fall into place. Time's doubt, the entire time I've known him, is because of this. Maybe not just because of this instant alone, but with everything in his past, it all lead up to this moment. A breaking point, it seems.

I want to watch more, but at the same time, I don't. I haven't known Time for a very long time, my perception of time passing is all skewed with our wandering through centuries, but the bond has ensured that I've gotten close enough to him that hearing these words hurts me to. As much as I want, or maybe should agree with Faye, I can't. Because somehow, I know Time is more than just his actions.

And I hate that about myself.

Time grabs my hand, and once again, the world shifts around us. With all this transportation, I'm starting to get light-headed, so by the time my feet hit ground, I stumbling backwards, surprised when I sink into the plush clutch of a lounge suite. It takes a few long blinks for me to come to terms with the fact that we are in another room I've never seen before. An intimate style room with dark wallpaper and a lack of windows. I have no clue where we are.

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