22. Roar of the Darkling

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Zero stares at Lager with wide eyes, Aella now on her feet behind him with a hand positioned on her weapon, ready to wield it at any moment.

"Lager." I breathe out in surprise, and he turns his head slightly to look at me, expression softening ever so slightly.

"You alright?" He asks, and I nod once.

"So it was a trap." Zero says roughly, his silver eyes making contact with mine. "Was everything you said about being chased by a killer a lie?"

"What?!?" Lager exclaims, whirling to face me, and it's at that moment that Aella makes a move.

She whips out her double-sided spear faster that I can blink and hurls it at Lager before I can even open my mouth to warn him.

A flick of of darkness shoots out from the shadows, stopping the spear inches from the back of Lager's head and making me exhale a huge breath in relief, heart pounding in my ears.

Lager turns, slowly rotating on his heel until he's facing Zero and Aella again.

"That wasn't playing fair, attacking when your opponent's back is turned."  He drawls.

Lager waves two fingers and the snake of darkness that is holding Aella's spear recoils, only to send it flying to the right, crashing against one of the cave walls with a loud 'clang' and making me wince.

If Lager was trying to anger Aella by doing that, he one hundred percent succeeded.

I clench my hands, eyes darting among the three people nervously.

The history between Zero and Lager is still unknown and a complete mystery to me. The only clue I have is Lager telling me a few months ago that Zero had stolen something of his that was very important whenever Lager sent him on the mission to Braun island, but he never specified what that thing was.

And while Lager may or may not have every reason to want to spill Zero's blood right now, Zero had only a couple hours ago, saved me from a Lyncher. He also seems to know some vital information, making my head fill with deja vu, since his "vital information" a few months ago was the fact that I was dying due to a fake bond he had created.

"Lager, wait a second." I speak up, and he tilts his head in my direction, but doesn't fully turn to face me. "Zero wasn't trying to hurt me, he actually saved me from a Lyncher."

I never thought the day would come so soon where I would be defending Zero so soon from lager, but I really don't want an unnecessary and possibly very bloody fight to take place, and if this is what I have to do to stop it I'll do it.

"Is that so?" He asks in a dull and completely uninterested tone, as if that information is irrelevant to him.


"Zero also has important information. Killing him would only lead to a disaster if what he needs to say really is important." I try again.

"Who said anything about killing him? I'm here as a representative on the Lightling High Commander's behalf, following strict orders to apprehend the trespassers and protect Ashley. You can choose to resist, but be aware of the fact that I've been given permission to use any means necessary."

I can almost hear the cold smile in his voice and see the glint in his eyes as he snaps his fingers, the shadows instantly shooting towards Lager shoot like he's their magnet, dividing themselves at his will into little tendrils of darkness that swirl around like snakes ready to strike at any given moment.

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