7. An Interrupted Journey

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"How the heck did I end up here?"

The crystal clear water stretches out before me, the roar of the waterfall only a few yards away sending shivers of familiarity down my spine.

I remember this exact clearing and waterfall from the time I traveled with Max, Becky, and End to save my father.

Almost like my instinct, my eyes are drawn to the spot that he once stood shadowed in the shade of the nearby trees, but nothing is there.

"I thought I went the right way...", I trail off, mentally recounting my steps and the directions I took. 

If I remember correctly, the Core is about twelve miles away from Highclere, which is a long way to make before nightfall, so the whole way I had been jogging on and off, and now I'm one hot, sticky, and lost mess.

But then again...if my memory also serves me right, this is where we stopped on the way to the cave that led to the Core, so maybe I am on the right track afterall.

I glance up at the sky, seeing it slightly darken as the sun starts to go down. 

"Shoot,"I mutter, walking over to the edge of the water and kneeling.

I sling the backpack off my shoulder, recalling how I'd gotten at least half of a mile into the woods before  a Darkling Solider managed to catch up to me, holding the backpack out to me to take as he tried to catch his breath. 

Without any words about who it was from, he turned on his heel and left, but knowing Lager, it was most likely from him. I felt sorry for the poor guard though, who must have sprinted the whole half-mile to catch up with me, and made a vow in my head to scold Lager for that later.

Unzipping the bag, I open it and take a look inside for the first time, my eyes widening in surprise at the useful objects inside.

For a light backpack, it sure held a lot.

I reach in and take out a small blanket, which is followed up by a water bottle, two ripe apples, an extra set of clothes, and some medicine containers. 

I reach my hand into the bag again to see if I missed anything and feel a small prick, before something wet.

 I yank my hand out of the backpack, staring at my index finger where a tiny slice across the skin has appeared, blood slowly filling the crevice and spilling out.

"What the..", I mutter, before looking at the bag. I drag it closer to me and open it all the way, peering into it and seeing something gleam up at me that has my breath cacthing.

Carefully, I reach into the backpack and grab a hold onto the object, slowly pulling it out to reveal a very sharp, and very deadly looking dagger.

On the hilt of the dagger, a small piece of folded paper is tied on by a string, and I unravel the thread curiously, grabbing the piece of paper and unfolding it.

There's only two words written on it: Be careful.

The words, along with the dagger, send shivers down my spine, and I quickly thrust the dagger back into the bag along with the rest of the supplies, albeit the water bottle, and stand up.

After taking a few sips of the refreshing liquid, I put it back in the bag and scan the area, trying to recall which way the cave was from here.

That way, my instincts point me to the right, and I follow their orders, heading off into the jungle.

I can't be too far from the cave now. 

As I push a cluster of vines out of the way, I wonder what's going on back in Highclere.  Did Becky find Kay? Is Lager getting better? Is Max still alive?

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