12. The Lightling High Commander

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"I know I said......I forgave him for abandoning us....but I swear....the next time I get my hands on Lager..." I gasp out in pants, stopping for a moment to put my hands on my knees and take a breath.

Becky collapses next to me, laying limply on the ground and she stares up at the sky.

"I can't do it anymore. Go on without me." She moans, closing her eyes.

I huff, stretching my back as I stand up again, swaying on my feet. You would think that I would be a little more in shape from all activities I've been doing since getting to this island. Constant danger tends to keep a person on their toes at all times after all. But the burn in my legs and the way I can already feel the muscles bunching up and tightening makes me doubt I've done any exercise for the past year.

"We have to continue. C'mon Becky, I'll help you up."

I reach out my hand for her, and she lifts her arm. I grab onto her limb and heave, only making her sit up, before I let go and she falls back down with a  thud.

"Ow." She says flatly, her eyes still closed. 

I snort, before finally paying attention to our surroundings.

We've passed quite a few temple-looking buildings by now, along with a lot of people, all of them wearing robe-like clothes that are similar to Iris' and Cato's. The first part of the hike I had tried to go for a friendly approach, smiling and nodding at people when our eye's met. Just a few minutes ago I gave up though, too tired to do more than continue the long and horrible trek up.

The higher we climbed, the more the people seemed to thin, until we only passed about one or two every few minutes.

Iris and Cato have long since disappeared from our sight up the mountain, seeming to have no issue with climbing the steep path. Max on the other hand, paused a few buildings back to buy some food, with the promise that he'll catch up soon. 

The only good part about this terrible hike is the amazing view. I've seen the jungle plenty of times from Highclere, but there's something about actually being outside when experiencing this scenery that makes it seem all the more tangible.

Another groan from the person laying at my feet makes me snap out of my tired daze, and I narrow my eyes down at Becky.

"Look, I did not come here to be bested by a mountain, so get up right now Becky, before I'm tempted more to kick you."

She opens her eyes, her glare dangerous. "You wouldn't dare."

I open my mouth to rebut, when a familiar voice calls out.

"Hey Ashley! What's Becky doing on the ground? Oh, never mind, I don't want to know. Good news! I've brought some water and food!"

Becky raises her head and I turn mine to see Max a few yards away walking towards us with a spring in his step and a huge smile on his face. I guess that whole 'awkward to be back home after getting banished for a long period of time' phase he was going through disappeared. 

"Water." Becky immediately sits up, and I give her a dumbfounded look, but she isn't paying any attention, instead just focusing her gaze on the two flasks Max carries in his hands.

When he gets close enough, he tosses the first one to me, and I somehow manage to catch it. Then he turns to Becky, but she's already giving him a warning look.

"Wait, don't throw it-" She starts to say, but it's too late.

The flask soars through the air and Becky reaches up her hands to catch it, but the cap must have been loose, because the next second it pops off and an arc of water flies up before landing directly on her.

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