Thanksgiving Bonus

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Dangeroustoken adjusts the tablecloth, then adjusts it again, trying to line it up perfectly on the table. 

The huge table is already set with the plates, forks, and knives, a small vase of flowers in the middle. Perfect.

"Everything's ready!" Dangeroustoken calls out towards the kitchen.

Ashley appears in the doorway, a Thanksgiving apron tied around her waist as she surveys the table.

Sighing, Ashley walks over to the table, grabbing a fork and knife and switching their places.

"Forks go on the left." Ashley says while shaking her head.

Dangeroustoken groans. 

Ashley disappears into the kitchen again just as the doorbell rings. 

"I'll get it!" Dangeroustoken yells, dashing towards the door.

She opens it to find Malia, flanked by Iris who's carrying a bowl of green bean casserole.

"Sorry for arriving a little bit early, Iris is quite adamant on being punctual." Malia says, and Iris gives a sheepish shrug.

"That's perfectly fine." Dangeroustoken reassures them, taking the casserole Iris passes to her and holding the door open for them. "Please come in."

They step inside, following Dangeroustoken into the kitchen where Ashley is checking on the bread in the oven.

"Oh, Iris!" Ashley exclaims happily, walking over and smiling at them in greeting. "Thank goodness you're here! I need some help preparing the mashed potatoes."

"Oh joy! Those are my specialty!" Iris says happily, and they get to work as Dangeroustoken snatches a wine bottle, pouring herself and Malia a glass as they walk back to the dining room.

"How have you been, Malia?" Dangeroustoken asks like they're old friends.

Malia takes a sip of wine, sighing. "Good, except for this aggravating sickness, which I presume is thanks to you?"

"It's part of the plot." Dangeroustoken says with an apologetic smile. Malia waves it off, when the doorbell rings again.

Dangeroustoken walks over to the door and opens it to see Becky, standing there alone with a pan of stuffing in her hands.

"Oh hey Becky.....where's Max? I would have thought he'd show up with you." Dangeroustoken says in confusion while taking the stuffing that Becky hands her.

"He's over there."Becky says nonchalantly, jabbing her thumb over her shoulder and walking into the house.

Dangeroustoken eyes widen as she spots Maxx, or at least his lower half, since his upper half is currently inside a big flower pot Dangeroustoken uses for decoration.

"My flowers!" Dangeroustoken cries out, setting the stuffing on the table then rushing outside to examine the damage. Yeah there's no getting those flowers back from where they lay scattered on the ground and crushed. 

Max groans from inside the flower pot, lifting himself up and falling backwards onto his butt.

"Ouch," he mutters, rubbing his head which has a huge bump.

"What did you do to annoy Becky this time?" Dangeroustoken sighs, lending a hand to help him up.

"Nothing! I just mentioned that all of us may get fat after today, and then she got super mad." Max exclaims, dusting off his dark orange shirt, hey no complaints, at least he's wearing a shirt.

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