6. Interviewing Sick People

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Lager slowly cracks his eyes open, the gold pupils peeking out from underneath his eyelids.

"Good morning!" I exclaim from where I stand beside the bed, looking up at the glass ceiling and the sun which is shining down into the room. "Or maybe I should say good afternoon?"

Lager groans, using one arm to push himself upwards into a half-sitting position while rubbing his eye with the other. It's a good thing he has a canopy on his bed, or else he would be in the direct sunlight, which is not a pleasant thing to open your eyes too.

"How long was I out?" He croaks, his voice hoarse from sleep and his sickness.

"All night and about halfway into today. It's one o'clock right now." I respond, before turning around and making my way towards his desk, making sure to stay far away from the borders of the room and where the glass floor is.

I pick up the tray of food on the desk and turn to see Lager trying to climb out of the bed.

"Oh no you don't." I growl, storming to the bed and setting the tray down on the nearby dresser, then using my now free hands to shove him back down onto the mattress.

He grunts, falling back weakly onto the mattress. He doesn't even get a second to think before my hand is back on his forehead, feeling his skin, before yanking my hand away when it starts to burn.

"Just as I suspected. You're still sick. It's not as bad as yesterday, but still pretty bad." I say, while moving to grab the tray and then settling down on the bed with it in my lap by Lager's side.

"I'm well enough to get out of bed." Lager huffs, yet again making a move to raise himself up again, when my icy glare freezes him in his tracks.

"Try getting off this bed again. I dare you."

He doesn't move.

I happily reshuffle the tray on my lap so it's more balanced, before taking a spoon and dipping it into the bowl. I bring it up, my eyes darting to Lager, only to see the expression on his face is anything but pleasant.

"What in Dalton is that mess?" He questions, pointedly staring at the spoon which is holding some of the green mush from the bowl.

"Hmm," I hum, scrunching my eyebrows and staring down at the bowl. "I think it's a mix of kale, bananas, avocado, mangoes, and coconut........at least, that's what I know for sure is in it. There could be some fish....".

"Fish." Lager blanches, starting to look more pale and green the longer he stares at the bowl.

I shrug. "It's basically nutrients in a bowl! Isn't it great?"

"There's no way I'm eating that." Lager responds flatly, making me narrow my eyes.

"You will if you want to get better."

"How did you even make that?" He questions, and I lift a shoulder casually.

"In your near-death state, you forgot to turn the wall and only exit out of here back into a solid, so I just slipped out through it and into the kitchen."

"Did anyone see you?" He asks anxiously.

I think back to earlier this morning, when I had managed to find the kitchen, clear of any Highclere chefs since they were on their breakfast break. I immediately went to work, selecting fruits and foods at random that contained many nutrients. It wasn't hard to find a knife, and in no time I was hacking away at the foods with a vicious ferocity that only seems to consume me when in the kitchen.

My eyes grow wide, as I remember what I had almost forgot.

I was in the middle of violently killing an avocado, when Max had walked in, his eyes hungrily set on the huge pantry across the room. That's when he noticed me.

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