15. Food Fights and Family

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Aella freezes, her green eyes glaring deep into mine, like a cornered Jaguar, daring me to come any closer and get ripped to shreds.

"It's you." I breathe out in shock, completely dumbfounded. The last thing I expected was to find Zero's fiance standing here in Lightling robes.

"Ashley? Who is this?" Becky asks, stepping up to my right side.

"I don't recognize her as a Lightling, and I know just about everyone in Lucem Villa." Iris says from my left.

"That's because she's not a Lightling." I finally get out, watching Aella's eyes slightly flare in a flash of irritation as the truth comes to light.

"Should I call a guard?" Iris gasps, her face turning slightly pale.

"Don't move." Aella's cool voice says for the first time since we ran into each other, and I turn to Aella to realize that in the second I had looked away from her to face Iris, she had whipped out the double-ended blade she had last time, extending it to it's about two-yards length and leveling it at us threateningly. 

Becky tenses, facing her palms towards Aella and Iris completely freezes, the rest of the blood draining from her face.

"What are you doing here?" I ask in a low tone, as to not spook her further and make her take a swing at us.

"That's classified." She says, taking a small step back, the cogs in her head turning as she trys to come up with an escape plan.

"Did Zero send you to spy?" Becky snarls, lifting her palms up even more.

Aella stares at Becky for a moment with an unaffected gaze, then sighs heavily.

"I wasn't sent by anyone. I came by my own free will."

"For what purpose?" Iris manages to squeak out, taking a tiny step back and behind me.

"What don't you get about classified?" Aella says in an irritated tone, making Iris go 'Eeeeek' from behind me.

"Now, while It's been absolutely lovely meeting you all," She says dryly, "I really must be on my way."

Her eyes meet with mine and hold for a second, both of us knowing this really isn't our first time meeting, but then she whirls around taking off in a lithe sprint like a panther. I take a step forward to run after her, but am stopped by Becky grabbing a hold onto my arm.

"Don't follow. She may be leading you right to Zero and the Kinlings." She says.

I pause, considering, before nodding.

"I must double the security, and should I inform High Commander Malia? But oh, what if I get in trouble for letting her escape? I don't want to disappoint her." Iris rants, worriedly pacing up and down the hall, looking quite sickly that I really pity her.

"Iris, it's okay. We're safe now, she left."

"But that's not going to stop her from coming back." Becky reminds, and I glare at her. She really isn't making the situation any better."Who even was that? I mean, obviously it was a Kinling, but that's all we know about the intruder."

I debate for a short second whether to inform them about the information or not, before deciding it's most likely better to not hold anything back.

"Her name is Aella, and she's Zero's fiancee." I blurt out.

Silence ensues as two jaws hit the floor. 

"What? That prick has a fiancee?!? And he was going after you?!? And how do you even know her name?!? When did you meet her?" Now it's Becky's turn to rant, her features being doused in a light shade of red.

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