3. Shadow of Doubt

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The shadowed form nods a greeting, and my small smile grows, widening until it feels like it'll split my face.

"You're actually here!" I exclaim.

Although I try, but not really, to contain my excitement, it bursts from me and soon my bare feet are carrying me across the soil and to my shadow friend.

End raises both of his hands in protest, but by then it's too late and my momentum sends me flying right at him.....and then through him.

Luckily, my arms, which were outstretched for a hug, are able to catch me so I don't fall face first into the ground.

Embarrassed, I quickly scramble upwards into a standing position, brushing off my dress and whirling to face End, who's rubbing the back of his shadow neck.

"I'm sorry." I say sheepishly, wishing with all my heart that I could go back and stop myself from making a fool out of myself. Unfortunately, wishes don't work that way.

"I was just so excited because you've been gone and I haven't seen you since that day when my dad left Dalton. It's like you've completely disappeared off the face of the Earth! No goodbye or anything. Even Lager hasn't seen you!" I trail off when I realize I'm ranting.

Sighing, I run a hand through my tousled hair, looking anywhere but at End.

"Well, you haven't missed a lot, it's bee surprisingly calm around Highclere. It almost makes me feel edgy, if you know what I mean? I spent half my time on this island nearly dying, being chased by monsters, secrets being revealed nearly every time I turn around, and there's still more mysteries yet to be solved! I guess I should be thankful for the breather, but it's hard to just forget about it all. It's especially hard to forget about....".


I flinch, cursing myself for saying his name and preparing to feel the wave of pain inside my head, but it doesn't come. Instead there's just a slight tingling in my chest, reminding me that even though I'm in no danger of dying, the bond is still there.

Can he hear my thoughts still? Does he know when I'm thinking of him?

I shake my head, ready to move past the subject and train of thought.

"Has anyone ever told you you're an amazing listener, End? It's like I have my own personal therapist, and only the Core knows how much I've needed one."

A tiny smile blooms on my face as I realized I've developed the habit of talking like the people of Dalton. They use words like the Core and Dalton to replace words that humans use like God or swear words.

I let out a heavy sigh again, turning my head to look at End with a soft gaze, who is still standing int he same spot as still as a rock.

"Well you haven't missed much, but I've certainly missed you."

I take a step closer, when something strange starts to happen and makes me pause.

End's whole body flickers, his shadow form fading for a few seconds and re-appearing the next moment.

"End?" I ask in confusion, watching him appear again with clenched fists. His whole body shakes, darkness seeming to radiate off of him.

"End! What's going on?" I exclaim, taking another step closer as he shudders again. 

Then, he goes still.

His eyes, which I didn't realize were shut, suddenly open, and I gasp.

Where they used to be grey and dark like his whole body, they now shine a dark orange, glowing dangerously in the night.

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