Chapter Twenty One - Inferno

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I stumbled out of the throne and stared at the boy who wore my face, it was identical to the most minute detail. From the jagged chip in his front tooth to the scar spots on his cheeks from popped pimples, he was exactly like me but the only thing that set him apart from me was his vibrant tangerine eyes that pulsed with life like a raging fire. He studied me as I staggered away from him, scanning me like an item on a shelf or an animal in a cage.

"This can't be happening, this isn't real." I thought to myself but the words echoed around in the darkness.

"Trust me, this happening." My doppelgänger chided to me.

"Where am I?" I shouted at him. "Who really are you?"

He sighed disappointedly, "Let me start again. I am you but to remove any confusion you can call me Revilo or just Rev and where we are is in your head."

"This is insane," I muttered.

"What's insane is you ignoring the warnings I gave you. I mean how many dreams of the exact same thing do have to be shown before you see a pattern." Rev paced around me.

"How was I supposed to know that it would happen, it's not like I can see the future."

"How exactly is that so hard to believe. You're sister can heal people and manipulate emotions, why is it so out of the realms of reality for you to have to see some semblances of the future?" he said with slight annoyance while I stared with intense confusion. "Come on don't be an idiot, think about it. Somethings to you have been so predictable. Like in fights, you can almost see the moves happen before they do, well most of the time. You always have." Abruptly the darkness shifted to scenes of my life. Times I guessed multiple choice answers and got A's from them, predicting numbers of candies in a jar to the exact number, every fight that I had been. "Sure, these are small compared to seeing a small army gunning down six teenagers, it doesn't change what you have."

I stood there, slightly dumbfounded. Really trying piece together my slowly fracturing mind. "Okay, what are you then? Are you my conscience or something?"

"Nope, I am you. The part of you formed from... that doesn't really matter. What does matter right now is what is happened out there." 

"What's happening outside my head?" I asked.

"This conversation we are having is happening at the tenth of a second which will lead to a headache later but that's beside the point." Rev walked up to me. "We are in a bit of a pickle right now, fiftyish soldier armed to the teeth with military-grade guns about to gun you down..."


"You give me control of our body. Just to fight them and then you can have it back." He said anxiously.

"What if you get me killed?"

"Trust me, you have a much higher chance of surviving if you give me a chance. I have the most knowledge and understanding of our powers from fire manipulation to future sight, seeing as I've had ample time to practice." He gestured to the space around him. "Besides, what do you have to lose?"

"My life."

"Look out there." The darkness shimmered into the scene outside of my head, bullets piercing through the stone protecting me and my friends, crumbling in slow motion, the look of determination on the faces of the soldiers and there I was. Curled up behind a tombstone, helpless and weak. "Do you think this can protect them?" Rev whispered in my ear.

"Can you really protect them?" I turned to face myself, heaviness in my voice. 

"I want to keep them safe as much as you." He looked at me with pleading eyes. "If I wanted to, I could force myself out and save them, but this is easier. Let me do this." He pleaded with me.

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